原创 Learn about the engineering desk-to-bench ratio

2014-12-2 19:19 1780 16 16 分类: 消费电子

In companies I have been to, engineers are typically given both a desk and a workbench. The desk is where plan design and non-technical overhead is performed. It is the realm of, and symbolizes, theoretical activity. The bench is where prototypes are built and made to work -- the symbol of experimental or practical activity. The bench has measurement equipment, circuit construction tools, and parts inventory is not far away.


The desk-to-bench ratio can be summarized as follows:


When I was at Tektronix, the desk and bench were two sides of the same U-bench, thus uniting the two kinds of activities into an integrated environment. The U-benches were 6 or 8 feet in depth, and the older, more established engineers had 8 foot benches. One side defaulted to a desk while the other was the bench. In the early mainframe-computer days, engineers who simulated circuits on computer had to go to a computer room where terminals were available for such activity. In time, the desks were populated with computers and the environment was a complete unit.




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