2016-3-14 18:57
Examining binge work
The Wharton School recently published an article that examines how the youngest full professor at Wharton got that way . Adam Grant's secret is to ...
2016-1-21 17:50
Modern-day engineering notebooks
For engineers and scientists, notebooks are a reliable means to document their ideas, inventions, progress, and even their missteps. Some of the mo ...
2015-9-11 21:16
Boost your engineering value in only 20 mins a day
My aim is to boost your value in only twenty minutes a day. That is the amount of time that commercials take in a one-hour television program. So i ...
2015-8-29 23:17
Analogue rules supreme: Scientifically proven
My first job fresh from college was testing and debugging control loading systems on flight simulators for 747 and the "new" ...
2015-8-28 22:09
Meetings will persist until morale improves
A snippet in the life of a cubicle rat..... Ask any engineer about the biggest time-wasters at work, and odds are meetings wil ...
2015-8-28 19:31
Hacking: Just another stage of tech life cycle?
Amid a huge number of recent news stories about systems getting hacked I read several in the area of IoT about Zigbee getting hacked , Chrysler ge ...
2015-8-14 19:55
Redefining firmware
Here is my proposed definition of firmware: ‘Firmware is the art of designing software that successfully controls and/or monitors ...
2015-6-30 18:36
A piece of cloud on your side table
Max has already extolled the apparent virtues of Amazon's Echo appliance, but as I mentioned to him, this thing is a serious threat to luddites e ...
2015-6-29 17:37
How much does free software cost?
So what's the problem with “free” as in “free beer”? I'm a sucker for “buy one, get one free” offers. There are a variety of costs, sometimes ...
2015-6-29 17:35
What does free really mean?
We often hear the word “freedom” in connection with Free Software and Open Source Software (FOSS). Actually, most use of the word comes from the ...
2015-6-19 19:20
Machines officiating at sports?
Machines can do a better job than people at making some calls in sports. Why do we hesitate to use them or embrace the information they provide? ...
2015-6-15 19:59
Of freedom and free beers
We usually hear the word “freedom” in relation to Free Software and Open Source Software (FOSS). Actually, most use of the word comes from the ...
2015-6-12 18:28
Wood turnings for the cunning chronograph
After reading Max’s blog on the Neo-Pixel clock by Duane Benson, I decided leap into the fray and make one myself. The first ch ...
2015-6-1 20:48
App for documenting projects
Keeping a record of the design progress, measured results, decisions made, and calculations performed are all part of the job description for any e ...
2015-6-1 20:46
App that suits my needs
Max's recent blog ( I've been a naughty engineer ) sent me rummaging through my own notebooks for something I wrote a while back: ...