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  • 热度 38
    2015-10-19 00:03
    10028 次阅读|
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    聊聊传统查料网站:Net components, The Broker Forum, IC Source,华强电子,IC交易网,Findchips, OEMsTrade等   开始之前先统一一下名称 授权分销商=代理商 独立分销商=贸易商   话说独立分销商的生意,无非就是期货或者现货。 期货:主要通过代理商或有渠道的贸易商。 现货:渠道就比较广:代理商,贸易商,原厂,还有拥有这些库存的终端工厂。   但凡从业有些年头,常规的代理商贸易商早就熟门熟路了。查料基本先看这些渠道,然后再看看Net components, The Broker Forum, IC Source,华强电子,IC交易网,Findchips, OEMsTrade这些传统挂库存信息的B2B1.0网站。   今天来聊聊这些网站的查货经验,我来抛个砖,期待引您的玉。   1.TBF 全称 The Broker Forum 1996年,据说由加拿大的一位曾经的体育老师创办。算是这一系列网站的鼻祖,早年华强北,知春路的元老们在上面卖翻新货,散新货赚得盆满钵满,现在大都转做原装或者干脆转行,里头的风云是可以单独写篇故事的。   TBF现在属于加拿大上市企业 Mediagrif,主要盈利来自于会员费和广告费,疏于对会员质量地管控,尤其大陆及香港地区的供应商充斥了太多李鬼,基本弃用。韩国,欧美的供应商还可以翻翻,偶尔会有意外惊喜,但越来越大海捞针的赶脚,用户体验堪忧。   2.NetComponents 网站总部在美国,用户主要来自北美,欧洲。   地址为CN,HK的大部分是做外单的,有一部分自己有货,相当多自己没有货,挂别家的库存,借网站作为吸引客户的入口,帮客户在市场找货获取利润。   地址为韩国KR或台湾TW的,有些自己的库存,大都和当地代理或者终端工厂合作,回复较快,准确度相对较高。但这些年,某些老牌供应商也常常去别处调货,但验货水平往往不到位,偶有假货,翻新货事件发生,且他们基本都要求做T/T in adv, 尤其那几家做很久的,店大了欺客,货出了问题RMA,退货是个麻烦事,小心。。。小心!!!   地址为日本JP或新加坡SG的,有些是自己的库存,有些是常年做翻新货的,还有些干脆是假冒的日本或新加坡公司,请注意电话号码(尤其国家码后那一位,还有某些格式的邮件签名,尽量打电话沟通,口音可以辨别出来,现在也有假冒的台湾供应商),合作上见仁见智,小心。。。小心!!!   地址为欧美的,有些知名broker是自己的库存,或者工厂给他们寄售的库存,这些就比较靠谱。但也有很多挂的当地代理商的库存,细心挖一挖还是可以摸索出来一手货源在哪里。   上面挂A标志的,按说是授权代理,但现在审核似乎不够严谨,某些供应商只有少部门小品牌的代理权。另外,如果备注OEM Excess或者Excess,指终端工厂的呆料库存,但不确定性更强,回复时间也往往更久。   3.IC交易网,华强电子网 华强电子网搜索结果多,因为租了华强物业的基本都被要求成为会员。IC交易网的结果相较华强要少一些但也准一些。   两家网站挂库存一年会员费几千人民币起,有拥有自己库存的,也有挂别人库存的,搜索结果排名越前,收费越高。   不过在这两个网站查货,经验最重要,还看自身验货能力,市场熟悉度。熟人给真货,生人不好说,另外,卖翻新散新的,一口咬定自己卖原装,说的比真的还真。   4.IC Source 总部在美国,也是1996年成立的老牌网站,用户大都来自欧美。   但要说全,不如TBF,要说准不如Net components,   哦,对了,TBF和IC Source对vendor的差评还是可以研究研究的,好评就不用看了。   还有这几家国外网站的Escrow第三方担保交易,收费1-2%,金额较高的时候,还是可以尝试的。但如果货物存在小争议,会偏向买方,作为卖方有可能利益难以得到保证。比如:某些买家要求直接送第三方检验机构检验,货物在检验途中被损坏,可能买方和第三方机构会都不肯承担责任。   5.Findchips, OEMsTrade 都属于美国的supplyframe媒体集团。   Findchips:主要挂授权代理商库存,对库存量规模有要求,网站流量大。   OEMsTrade:代理商,贸易商库存信息都挂,尤其贸易,一大堆都是所谓的OEM Excess,这部分用户体验度不咋地,另外网站流量较Findchips比还是差了些数量级。   笔者从业十来年,代理贸易合作经验还是积累了一些,有兴趣的同学欢迎加QQ:2898716865, 抛砖引玉,感谢关注,互相帮助。
  • 热度 25
    2015-6-29 17:37
    2267 次阅读|
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    So what's the problem with “free” as in “free beer”? I'm a sucker for “buy one, get one free” offers. There are a variety of costs, sometimes hidden, in free (as in beer) software.   Free (as in beer) software makes it difficult to recover the cost of developing software. (The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has a confusing article about how to sell free software  on their website, which skirts the question of how to be paid for developing software, but does include a pitch for donating money to the FSF.) There are ways to make money developing software, but the most effective of these is to either sell support services (like RedHat), build the software into a product (like Cisco), or to use the software internally to provide a service (like Google).   If you happen to have a great idea for a program, something new and novel, FOSS makes it difficult to create a company around your idea. Venture capitalists will not fund development that can be easily undercut simply by copying sources off a website. One can count the major software companies on a few fingers: Microsoft, Oracle, Adobe, Intuit, and a few more, all founded before the rise of FOSS. Of course, if you happen to develop a proprietary program that runs on a smart phone, no matter how pointless  it may seem, the VCs come running.   People confuse cost with value, and this extends to the areas of accounting and taxes. In 2008, the Linux Foundation estimated the cost to develop the Linux kernel at $1.4B, with the cost of a complete distribution about $10.8B. But for the users, the cost is zero. The value of the Open Source software that they use on a company's balance sheet is the cost of acquisition, namely zero. Where development of a new proprietary software product may qualify for an RD tax credit, developers of Open Source software that will not be sold or leased may have a more difficult time justifying the credit.   Few people invest time, money, or energy on things that have little or no cost. You're likely to skimp on maintenance on the $500 clunker you bought to haul junk while sparing no expense on the new SUV you bought for $50K. There is also the Tragedy of the Commons, where a shared resource used by all tends to be over-used to the detriment of all. We don't have to worry about overgrazing the Town Commons, but there is a parallel with Open Source Software, where programs used by many are often supported by very few. The Heartbleed security flaw brought to public attention that a widely used and critical software library, OpenSSL, was maintained by one full-time employee and ten volunteers on a shoe-string budget. Despite the fact that this library was used by many major companies and was an integral part of their products and services, it was Open Source. Where similar software from a proprietary software company would have generated a revenue stream which would fund support and development, the OpenSSL Project depended on donations. There are a number of similar Open Source Software projects, such as the Network Time Protocol (NTP), which are critical to the Internet, but which have minimal support. (The Linux Foundation, in response to the lack of support for OpenSSL and other projects, created the Core Infrastructure Initiative, CII, funded by a number of major tech companies.  CII will fund two full-time core OpenSSL developers)   We think of donations as charity, not as paying for development and maintenance of critical software packages. Indeed, a corporation might have to go through its “corporate giving” department to contribute to one of the FOSS projects, where the application for a donation might be weighed against donations to the local theater company or food bank. Voluntary donations have allowed a number of projects to stave off starvation, but that doesn't result in them thriving. Many companies that use free software almost never think about the cost of development, the value of the software to their products and internal development, or the risk that they are exposed to if the software is not maintained.   Finally, the last hidden cost I see in Free and Open Source Software is minimizing the value of time, energy, and creativity expended by the people who develop software. Few people would say that everyone who writes a book, composes a song, or paints a picture should give their creative work away for free. But many in the FOSS community have a different standard for software developers. People and companies who sell software rather than give it away are characterized as if they are stealing something that belongs to everyone — an opinion widely expressed by the Free Software Foundation and Software Freedom Conservancy.   Science fiction writer Robert Heinlein popularized the saying “There ain't no such thing as a free lunch” in his 1966 novel, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress . While Free and Open Source Software has many positive aspects, including high quality, transparency, and creativity, let's not forget that there are hidden costs. These include a far smaller software development economy (except for games) compared with our vibrant hardware development economy, higher risks from insufficiently maintained software, and undervaluing software development talent (again, except in the area of games). These costs may not be easy to quantify, but they should not be forgotten.   Michael Eager is principal consultant at Eager Consulting in Palo Alto, Calif. He has over four decades experience developing compilers, debuggers, and simulators for a wide range of processor architectures used in embedded systems. His current and former clients include major semiconductor companies and systems developers. Michael has been a member of the ISO C++ Standard Committee and ABI Committees for several processor architectures. He is chair of the Debugging Standards Committee for DWARF, a widely used debug data format. He is active in the open-source and Linux communities.  
  • 热度 24
    2015-6-29 17:35
    2192 次阅读|
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    We often hear the word “freedom” in connection with Free Software and Open Source Software (FOSS). Actually, most use of the word comes from the   Free Software Foundation (FSF) and its founder, Richard M. Stallman, repeating the term over and over , until the word is almost devoid of meaning . The four freedoms expressed by Stallman are the freedom to run a program as you wish, freedom to study or modify a program, freedom to redistribute a program, and freedom to distribute modified copies of a program.    Now, there might be reasons to debate whether Stallman's use of “freedom” has the same meaning as in “freedom of speech” or “freedom of religion” but that's a topic for a different article. When asked about “free software”, Stallman and others will throw out the quip “free as in speech, not free as in beer”. Apparently, someone, somewhere is giving away free beer. I want to find that person.   Anyone can download the source for the many thousands of FOSS programs, modify it, and redistribute a new version. But in practice, only a very small number of people ever download and build a FOSS program from source. I do on occasion, when a program isn't available in my distribution's repository. Of the few people who download the source of a program, a much smaller number will actually study it to see how it works and an even smaller number will make changes.    I use FOSS software. I use GNU tools, LibreOffice, Firefox, GIMP, and more. Like the great majority of Linux users, I use whichever version of a package is included in my Linux distribution. I'm very unlikely to ever modify any of these programs, even if I have the “freedom” to do so. The reasons are simple: Large programs like these are complex and take considerable time to comprehend how they work.   I recently had an online exchange with someone who was upset that his Linux distribution did not provide support for a peripheral he just bought. He said that he had to purchase a driver to get it to work and that this was the first time in many years that he had paid for any kind of software. He wasn't concerned about the freedom to modify the software, or the freedom to understand how it works, or freedom to redistribute it, both because he lacked the technical background and, more important, lacked the desire to do any of these. The price for the driver was very modest, but he thought that the Linux community should have software support for any hardware on the market available without cost.   In practice, the operative word in FOSS is not “freedom” but “free” as in without charge.   I use Adobe Acroread on Linux, which is free software. That is, free as in free ware, no charge but no source, and with a click-to-accept license. I use Chrome which is built out of a large number of FOSS packages, but which has a license agreement no less restrictive than that included with any proprietary program, prohibiting reverse engineering, creating a derivative work, or copying Chrome. (The rationale, as I understand it, is that Chrome is inextricably related to the proprietary services which Google provides, such as collecting your browsing habits and selling it to advertisers.) Chrome is now the most popular browser, with over 50% of the market, beating both FOSS browser Firefox and proprietary Internet Explorer. Like everyone else, I have dozens of apps installed on my Android smartphone. Almost all are free. That is, there is no charge to install them. Some apps are full function, others crippled or adware to encourage me to purchase a fully functional version. Almost all are closed source, although no one seems concerned.   While there is a small, impassioned, and very vocal community which is concerned about Free Software, the great majority are mostly interested in Free.   Free as in free beer, not free as in freedom.   Notes: The word “freedom” appears 43 times in Stallman's 3-page article “Why Open Source misses the point of Free Software,” Communications of the ACM, June, 2009, vol. 52(6). pp. 31–33, https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html . This is called “semantic satiation”. See Wikipedia .     Michael Eager is principal consultant at Eager Consulting in Palo Alto, Calif. He has over four decades experience developing compilers, debuggers, and simulators for a wide range of processor architectures used in embedded systems. His current and former clients include major semiconductor companies and systems developers. Michael has been a member of the ISO C++ Standard Committee and ABI Committees for several processor architectures. He is chair of the Debugging Standards Committee for DWARF, a widely used debug data format. He is active in the open-source and Linux communities.
  • 热度 28
    2015-6-15 19:59
    2337 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    We usually hear the word “freedom” in relation to Free Software and Open Source Software (FOSS). Actually, most use of the word comes from the   Free Software Foundation (FSF) and its founder, Richard M. Stallman, repeating the term over and over , until the word is almost devoid of meaning . The four freedoms expressed by Stallman are the freedom to run a program as you wish, freedom to study or modify a program, freedom to redistribute a program, and freedom to distribute modified copies of a program.    Now, there might be reasons to debate whether Stallman's use of “freedom” has the same meaning as in “freedom of speech” or “freedom of religion” but that's a topic for a different article. When asked about “free software”, Stallman and others will throw out the quip “free as in speech, not free as in beer”. Apparently, someone, somewhere is giving away free beer. I want to find that person.   Anyone can download the source for the many thousands of FOSS programs, modify it, and redistribute a new version. But in practice, only a very small number of people ever download and build a FOSS program from source. I do on occasion, when a program isn't available in my distribution's repository. Of the few people who download the source of a program, a much smaller number will actually study it to see how it works and an even smaller number will make changes.    I use FOSS software. I use GNU tools, LibreOffice, Firefox, GIMP, and more. Like the great majority of Linux users, I use whichever version of a package is included in my Linux distribution. I'm very unlikely to ever modify any of these programs, even if I have the “freedom” to do so. The reasons are simple: Large programs like these are complex and take considerable time to comprehend how they work.   I recently had an online exchange with someone who was upset that his Linux distribution did not provide support for a peripheral he just bought. He said that he had to purchase a driver to get it to work and that this was the first time in many years that he had paid for any kind of software. He wasn't concerned about the freedom to modify the software, or the freedom to understand how it works, or freedom to redistribute it, both because he lacked the technical background and, more important, lacked the desire to do any of these. The price for the driver was very modest, but he thought that the Linux community should have software support for any hardware on the market available without cost.   In practice, the operative word in FOSS is not “freedom” but “free” as in without charge.   I use Adobe Acroread on Linux, which is free software. That is, free as in free ware, no charge but no source, and with a click-to-accept license. I use Chrome which is built out of a large number of FOSS packages, but which has a license agreement no less restrictive than that included with any proprietary program, prohibiting reverse engineering, creating a derivative work, or copying Chrome. (The rationale, as I understand it, is that Chrome is inextricably related to the proprietary services which Google provides, such as collecting your browsing habits and selling it to advertisers.) Chrome is now the most popular browser, with over 50% of the market, beating both FOSS browser Firefox and proprietary Internet Explorer. Like everyone else, I have dozens of apps installed on my Android smartphone. Almost all are free. That is, there is no charge to install them. Some apps are full function, others crippled or adware to encourage me to purchase a fully functional version. Almost all are closed source, although no one seems concerned.   While there is a small, impassioned, and very vocal community which is concerned about Free Software, the great majority are mostly interested in Free.   Free as in free beer, not free as in freedom.   Notes: The word “freedom” appears 43 times in Stallman's 3-page article “Why Open Source misses the point of Free Software,” Communications of the ACM, June, 2009, vol. 52(6). pp. 31–33, https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html . This is called “semantic satiation”. See Wikipedia .
  • 热度 21
    2015-6-8 18:57
    1402 次阅读|
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    In the computer world there are a few subjects sure to ignite a flame war. What’s the best editor? Where should one put the braces in C code? How many spaces should we indent in C? Agile or plan-driven?   One that seems to have tamped down, at least somewhat, is Microsoft sneering. You know what I mean: Computer pros are expected to expect little of value from that company. Linux is the gold standard, Windows the vulture pickings. Office is junk, and any knowledgeable person uses an open-source alternative.   And yet.   I have been running Windows 8.1 on some of the machines here for quite a while. It is big. It is complex. It has annoying quirks. My biggest complaint is when it tells me I don’t have permission to do something, even when running as administrator. Hey, who owns this machine? It’s annoying to have to reboot to complete an installation. It seems silly to have to edit the registry to change program properties.   But it has never crashed. Not once. Nor have any of the Microsoft Office 15 or 365 programs. (We run multiple versions of Office here on different computers).   Some of my Office documents are enormous and very complex with video and other demanding resources. It’s not unusual for me to create a 300 page Word file. And Word just works. It’s not quirky. Huge Excel files grind through their computations without fuss. Powerpoint has never crashed in any of the seminars I do. Not once.   Video processing used to be a nightmare. The programs crashed often. When they didn’t, you had to shut down all other applications to ensure they’d render the video and audio in sync. And even then it was a crapshoot. Today I use PowerDirector, which can consume every available CPU cycle on every core in the machine. But it plays nicely, even when working on gigabyte-long files and coexists with the plethora of other open programs. Unexpected stuff just doesn’t happen.   It wasn’t always thus. Once upon a time these applications, and the operating system, crashed frequently. It was expected. We learned to save files often in anticipation of a crash. But unexpected shutdowns happened so often that clicking on FILE:SAVE consumed too much time. We learned to left-hand control-s while still typing. For me it became a nervous twitch; I probably hit those keys after writing each sentence. I probably do it in my sleep. Today, though the applications don’t crash, the control-s impulse is so ingrained it’s still part of my every-few-seconds routine.   I wonder if younger people, those for whom PCs just work, have the habit? Do they know the paranoia of potentially losing a file from a crash?   We developed the control-s habit from bitter experience. Is that experience as irrelevant today as knowing how to develop code on a paper-tape machine is? Or programming a Nova minicomputer?   All of us over 50 suffered from many years of unreliable software from Redmond. On the other hand, since the advent of the PC we’ve gotten a ton of work done that would have been impossible or hugely expensive without those machines, the vast majority of which were running Windows.   Here we run Windows, OS-X, iOS, and Linux. Each has its place. At the risk of being flamed, I have to admit to being very pleased with my current PCs and their software.
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