tag 标签: driver

  • 热度 18
    2013-3-11 20:56
    1701 次阅读|
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    FTDI 发布FT800,整合了TFT,MCU,电阻触摸,audio一体,可联络我QQ:1306014248,了解相关。 Targeted at QVGA and WQVGA resolution TFT displays with parallel RGB interface Dithering hardware provides 24-bit (true colour) support on an 18-bit interface 256k internal object memory Store up to 2000 objects in 8k byte display list Inbuilt controller supports 4-wire resistive touch panels PWM output for programmable display brightness Anti-aliasing support improves display perception Low-power - 35mA typical in active mode down, and 25uA in sleep mode Widgets (innovation mechanisms) allow easy creation of complex objects (e.g analog clocks) Integrated audio output - play beeps, tones or recorded audio SPI or I2C interface to system microcontroller Space saving 48LD QFN package
  • 热度 34
    2012-8-10 18:50
    1732 次阅读|
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    主要职责 : 1.深刻理解用户要求,根据客户应用采用合理方案并制定spec; 2.领导进行系统级电源架构设计,利用先进的IC电源知识定义和开发有效的解决方案; 3.领导进行各种电源IC包含模拟IC和数模混合IC的开发和验证,并对版图和PCB的设计进行相关指导; 4.参加产品的方案制定、线路开发、工程流片、样片测试和量产应用等所有阶段; 5.根据市场发展趋势,对电源IC制定严谨合理的长远规划; 6.培养开发优秀的电源管理IC开发团队。   要求: 基本技巧 1.工具:掌握或熟悉模拟IC设计相关的EDA工具; 2.语言:熟练使用汉语和英语。 3.教育背景:微电子及相关专业硕士以上; 4.具有良好的沟通能力 工作经验: 1.六年以上模拟IC系统设计经验,主导过多款电源管理IC spec的制定; 2.成功开发过多种电源管理IC,包括DC-DC,LDO,AC-DC,LED; driver,charge; pump,charger等; 3.参与过多种电源IC的实际开发、验证与测试工作,熟悉电源IC用到的各种工艺制程; 4.熟悉市场上各类电源器件,帮助客户和设计工程师选择电源管理系统外围器件; 5.带过研发团队,能合理制定计划并分配资源; 6.具有海外知名公司经历者优先。  KT-Judy Email:judy-wu@kthr.com QQ:782288610 MSN:Judy9228@hotmail.com
  • 热度 32
    2012-4-10 21:13
    2076 次阅读|
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    近年来,LED显示屏被广泛运用在各种大型运动赛事及国际活动中,例如:北京奥运及上海世博会,但在各式摄像器材的快门及摄像速度技术日新月异下,一般240Hz画面刷新率的LED扫描显示屏因在拍摄时会出现掃描波纹及画面灰阶丢失的问题,造成摄像质量变差,已经无法满足高端市场的需求。因此,为解决LED扫描显示屏面临的问题, 高画面刷新率规格已成为下一代LED扫描显示屏必备的规格, 透過明阳半导体全新推出专为LED扫描显示屏设计之驱动芯片 MY9268, 为LED扫描显示屏带来高规格的画面品质。   MY9268是16位高精度恒流LED驱动芯片支持16位多路扫描脉冲密度调变(MPDM)控制及256阶可程序化输出通道电流,适用于动态1/2、1/4及1/8扫描驱动显示屏运用。   采用独家扫描脉冲密度调变(MPDM)技术,将不同扫描数据画面交错显示,MY9268可在不提高灰阶时钟频率的情况下,大幅提升动态扫描显示屏的画面刷新率。假定灰阶时钟频率设定为8MHz,可以在1/8扫驱动方式下,实现16位灰阶(65,536阶)且画面刷新率高达8000Hz的高端显示屏; 在1/4扫驱动方式下,实现16位灰阶(65,536阶)且画面刷新率高达16000Hz的高端显示屏。   与传统 PWM 驱动芯片相比,利用内建内存储器 , 预先储存全部扫描数据于芯片内, MY9268可提高控制器/控制卡带载芯片数量,降低系统成本。 此外,独家双缘触发灰阶时钟設計,可以有效降低灰阶时钟频率及电磁干扰(EMI),提高电路系统的稳定性。针对动态扫描运用时的画面拖影问题, MY9268提供独家自动插黑技术,更可有效解决拖影现象。   MY9268提供SOP24-236mil -1.00mm (MY9268SA), SSOP24-150mil-0.635mm (MY9268SS), TSSOP24-173mil-0.65mm Exposed Pad (MY9268TE) and QFN24-4mmx4mm (MY9268QF) 等四种标准封装选择。客户可以透过明阳半导体网页www.my-semi.com.tw或 www.my-semi.com或是发电邮至info@my-semi.com.tw以取得樣品、報價及更进一步的信息。明阳半导体(MY-Semi Inc.)为专业LED驱动芯片设计公司,立志为地球环保节能尽一份心力。
  • 热度 23
    2010-8-16 08:49
    4411 次阅读|
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    Perhaps any people from earth knows that the atmel dataflash is short. I do NOT know why. Somebody said atmel isnot so good company that she is planing to rise the chip price by this way. The others said that many people in this market are crasy to buy and store so mang chips for grasping unnomal money... We don't know whose opion is right... ; ( Drive the flash from other company. The OLD Chinese Aphorism said: "After Butcher Zhang die, we have to eat the pork with full hair?"("死了张屠户, 我们就得吃带毛的猪?") Searching some weeks, we found the spi flash from winbond seemed to satify us. The 4M bit flash W25Q16xx is enough in current market. We uploaded our simple driver source code here. I wish it will help some engineer or company to replant new winbond flash for their case. Anyway, the price of winbond spi-flash from my provider is good. ; ) Of course, if you touch me then I will tell u... But it is not appropriate to paste the price in the public topic. Right? ; The important different issue from the other spi memory chip is: ADD BUSY DELAY FUNCITON! If not, we will found some fails at our reading event. The source are written with C, running NXP arm7 chip. // flash size #define     W25Q16_TOTAL_SIZE                   0x200000        // 256*8192 bytes = 2048k = 2M = 0x200000 #define     REAL_PAGE_SIZE                      256             // 256 bytes/page // command opcode #define     RSR1_INST                   0x05  // Read Status Register-1 #define     DEID_INST                   0xab  // Read Device ID #define     MDID_INST                   0x90  // Read Manufacturer/Device ID #define     JEID_INST                   0x9f  // Read Manufacturer/Memory Type/Capacity #define     FTRD_INST                   0x0b  // Fast Read #define     WREN_INST                   0x06  // Write Enable #define     STER_INST                   0x20  // Sector Erase #define     PGWR_INST                   0x02  // Page Program // init void w25q16_init(void) {         IO0DIR |= SPI0CS;                                        IO0SET = SPI0CS;              delay_ms(10); } // read status register, default return we read is 0x00, that means none of the array protected U8 w25q16_rdsr_cmd(void) {         U8 data;                 IO0CLR = SPI0CS;         spi0_send_U8(RSR1_INST);         data = spi0_read_U8();         IO0SET = SPI0CS;         return data;        } /*  *      Status Register Format:  *      Bit7 | Bit6 | Bit5 | Bit4 | Bit3 | Bit2 | Bit1 | Bit0  *           | SEC  |  TB  | BP2  | BP1  | BP0  | WEL  | BUSY  */ void w25q16_busy_delay(void) {         U8 status;                 do {             status = w25q16_rdsr_cmd();         } while ((status 0x01) == 0x01); } // read device id, return must be 0x14 for W25Q16BV U8 w25q16_deid_cmd(void) {         U8 data;             w25q16_busy_delay();                        IO0CLR = SPI0CS;         spi0_send_U8(DEID_INST);         spi0_send_U8(0x00);                             // dummy         spi0_send_U8(0x00);                             // dummy         spi0_send_U8(0x00);                             // dummy         data = spi0_read_U8();         IO0SET = SPI0CS;                  return data; } W25Q16BV driver sample(I) W25Q16BV driver sample(II)
  • 热度 19
    2010-8-16 08:29
    2742 次阅读|
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    // read Manufacturer /device id, return must be 0xef/0x14 is for winbond/W25Q16BV void w25q16_mdid_cmd(void) {         U8 data1, data2;                 w25q16_busy_delay();             IO0CLR = SPI0CS;         spi0_send_U8(MDID_INST);         spi0_send_U8(0x00);                             // dummy         spi0_send_U8(0x00);                             // dummy         spi0_send_U8(0x00);                                     data1 = spi0_read_U8();         data2 = spi0_read_U8();                IO0SET = SPI0CS;                  // show read data for debug         uart0_putchar(0xff);         uart0_putchar(data1);         uart0_putchar(data2);                uart0_putchar(0xff); } // read Manufacturer/Memory Type/Capacity, return must be 0xef/0x40/0x15 is for winbond/W25Q16BV void w25q16_jeid_cmd(void) {         U8 data1, data2, data3;                 w25q16_busy_delay();             IO0CLR = SPI0CS;         spi0_send_U8(JEID_INST);         data1 = spi0_read_U8();         data2 = spi0_read_U8();         data3 = spi0_read_U8();                IO0SET = SPI0CS;                  // show read data for debug         uart0_putchar(0xff);         uart0_putchar(data1);         uart0_putchar(data2);                uart0_putchar(data3);                        uart0_putchar(0xff); } // Write enable void w25q16_wren_cmd(void) {         w25q16_busy_delay();             IO0CLR = SPI0CS;         spi0_send_U8(WREN_INST);         IO0SET = SPI0CS;        } // fast read void w25q16_read(U8* buf, U32 buf_len, U32 address) {         w25q16_busy_delay();                IO0CLR = SPI0CS;         spi0_send_U8(FTRD_INST);                                spi0_send_U8((U8)(address16));         spi0_send_U8((U8)(address8));         spi0_send_U8((U8)(address));         spi0_send_U8(0x00);                             // dummy              for(U32 i=0; i     buf = spi0_read_U8();         }           IO0SET = SPI0CS; } // sector erase for 16 page void w25q16_erase_sector(U32 address) {         //datasheet say sector erase's typ time is 30ms, max time is 200/400ms         watchdog_soft_hard_feed();                 w25q16_wren_cmd();         w25q16_busy_delay();         IO0CLR = SPI0CS;         spi0_send_U8(STER_INST);                                spi0_send_U8((U8)(address16));         spi0_send_U8((U8)(address8));         spi0_send_U8((U8)(address));         IO0SET = SPI0CS; } // page program with fix page size, datasheet say its typ time is 0.7ms, max time is 3ms void w25q16_page_program(U8* buf, U32 address) {         w25q16_wren_cmd();         w25q16_busy_delay();                 IO0CLR = SPI0CS;         spi0_send_U8(PGWR_INST);                                spi0_send_U8((U8)(address16));         spi0_send_U8((U8)(address8));         spi0_send_U8((U8)(address));         spi0_send_data(buf, REAL_PAGE_SIZE);         IO0SET = SPI0CS; } Allen 2010.08.15 OVER W25Q16BV driver sample(I) W25Q16BV driver sample(II)