原创 W25Q16BV driver sample(I)

2010-8-16 08:49 4411 20 23 分类: 消费电子

Perhaps any people from earth knows that the atmel dataflash is short. I do NOT know why. Somebody said atmel isnot so good company that she is planing to rise the chip price by this way. The others said that many people in this market are crasy to buy and store so mang chips for grasping unnomal money... We don't know whose opion is right...
; (

Drive the flash from other company. The OLD Chinese Aphorism said: "After Butcher Zhang die, we have to eat the pork with full hair?"("死了张屠户, 我们就得吃带毛的猪?")
Searching some weeks, we found the spi flash from winbond seemed to satify us. The 4M bit flash W25Q16xx is enough in current market.
We uploaded our simple driver source code here. I wish it will help some engineer or company to replant new winbond flash for their case. Anyway, the price of winbond spi-flash from my provider is good. ; ) Of course, if you touch me then I will tell u... But it is not appropriate to paste the price in the public topic. Right? ;&

The important different issue from the other spi memory chip is: ADD BUSY DELAY FUNCITON! If not, we will found some fails at our reading event.

The source are written with C, running NXP arm7 chip.

// flash size
#define     W25Q16_TOTAL_SIZE                   0x200000        // 256*8192 bytes = 2048k = 2M = 0x200000
#define     REAL_PAGE_SIZE                      256             // 256 bytes/page

// command opcode
#define     RSR1_INST                   0x05  // Read Status Register-1
#define     DEID_INST                   0xab  // Read Device ID
#define     MDID_INST                   0x90  // Read Manufacturer/Device ID
#define     JEID_INST                   0x9f  // Read Manufacturer/Memory Type/Capacity
#define     FTRD_INST                   0x0b  // Fast Read
#define     WREN_INST                   0x06  // Write Enable
#define     STER_INST                   0x20  // Sector Erase
#define     PGWR_INST                   0x02  // Page Program

// init
void w25q16_init(void)
        IO0DIR |= SPI0CS;                               
        IO0SET = SPI0CS;   

// read status register, default return we read is 0x00, that means none of the array protected
U8 w25q16_rdsr_cmd(void)
        U8 data;
        IO0CLR = SPI0CS;
        data = spi0_read_U8();
        IO0SET = SPI0CS;

        return data;       

 *      Status Register Format:
 *      Bit7 | Bit6 | Bit5 | Bit4 | Bit3 | Bit2 | Bit1 | Bit0
 *           | SEC  |  TB  | BP2  | BP1  | BP0  | WEL  | BUSY
void w25q16_busy_delay(void)
        U8 status;
        do {
            status = w25q16_rdsr_cmd();
        } while ((status & 0x01) == 0x01);

// read device id, return must be 0x14 for W25Q16BV
U8 w25q16_deid_cmd(void)
        U8 data;
        IO0CLR = SPI0CS;
        spi0_send_U8(0x00);                             // dummy
        spi0_send_U8(0x00);                             // dummy
        spi0_send_U8(0x00);                             // dummy
        data = spi0_read_U8();
        IO0SET = SPI0CS; 
        return data;

W25Q16BV driver sample(I)
W25Q16BV driver sample(II)




用户1277994 2010-8-17 15:24


allen_zhan_752827529 2010-8-17 13:14

谢谢` 我的E文很烂. 并且是典型的工程师E文. listenning & speaking is so poor. 话说回来, 兼容 winbond W25Q16 serial, 一个重要的应用提示是, 注意到 SO-8 的封装设计问题. SO-8 的 size 有很多种. W25Q16 的大小, 与 atmel 的 at45db 系列是一致的. 如果设计太小的 SO-8 封装, 实际拖焊后, 还有虚焊存在. 这是我用半个小时的痛苦经历获得的教训.

用户1277994 2010-8-16 13:55

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