tag 标签: number

  • 热度 20
    2014-1-7 19:14
    1560 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    Luke Miller is a freelance FPGA design consultant and EE Times blogger. He also has a hitherto unknown talent for cartooning. As you may recall, Luke's recent project was the design of a GPS-Driven, FPGA-Decoded Nixie Tube Speedometer (I so want one of these little beauties in my own truck). Well, I just discovered that Luke has been dabbling at creating his own cartoon strip called "A Few Good Bits..." For example, I particularly like the cartoon titled "a 2's compliment":   And Luke's more recent entry from last year's Thanksgiving holiday was titled "Thanksgiving Pi" as shown below:   Now I'm wondering how long Luke can keep this going. How many more number-related jokes are there? I look forward to seeing his next offering. In the meantime, I must admit to being a tad envious. Now I want my own cartoon strip. But what should I call it?
  • 热度 18
    2014-1-7 19:10
    2550 次阅读|
    1 个评论
    It seems that Luke Miller, a freelance FPGA design consultant and EE Times blogger, has a hidden talent for cartooning. Luke's recent project was the design of a GPS-Driven, FPGA-Decoded Nixie Tube Speedometer (I so want one of these little beauties in my own truck). Well, I just discovered that Luke has been dabbling at creating his own cartoon strip called "A Few Good Bits..." For example, I particularly like the cartoon titled "a 2's compliment":   And Luke's more recent entry from last year's Thanksgiving holiday was titled "Thanksgiving Pi" as shown below:   Now I'm wondering how long Luke can keep this going. How many more number-related jokes are there? I look forward to seeing his next offering. In the meantime, I must admit to being a tad envious. Now I want my own cartoon strip. But what should I call it?  
  • 热度 14
    2013-8-29 09:17
    8604 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    1、由LP Wizard导入的0805二极管封装如下图,图中没有显示出pin number,只能通过Tooltips看出P/N分别是A和C,为与原理图引脚映射,我们要将其改为1和2。 2、设置class和subclass, enable 3、pin number显示出来了 4、设置filter 5、选择text工具或者菜单Edit-Text 6、选中Text"A",此时command窗口中显示"A",将该字符改为"1"即可,继续修改P/N "C" 7、完成
  • 热度 18
    2013-6-9 20:38
    3109 次阅读|
    2 个评论
    CRC 校验:从原理到实现(二)   1、 收发端CRC校验的可选机制   CRC 校验是为了保证信息在发送端和接收端之间传输的完整性,所以除了在收发两端都要实现 CRC 计算之外,还需要确定一些具体的机制,主要的几种机制分类列举如下:   表 1-1 收发端 CRC 校验的六种机制   机制 发送端 接收端 初始寄存器值 校验序列 初始寄存器值 校验范围 正确判定 1 0 不操作 0 明文 结果 = 校验序列? 2 0 不操作 0 明文 + 序列 结果 =0 ? 3 0 逐位取反 0 明文 + 序列 结果 =Magic Num ? 4 全 1 不操作 全 1 明文 结果 = 校验序列? 5 全 1 不操作 全 1 明文 + 序列 结果 =0 ? 6 全 1 逐位取反 全 1 明文 + 序列 结果 =Magic Num ?   初始寄存器。初始寄存器的值为 0 ,符合一般的 CRC 校验原理,也便于在 MATLAB 中计算。但是容易出现“前导 0 ”问题,即在明文序列之前插入或者删除 0 序列,这是由于 0 与 0 异为 0 。因此,将初始寄存器值设为全 1 可以避免“前导 0 ”的出现。发送端和接收端的初始寄存器值须保持一致以保证两端校验正确。   接收端的校验范围。可以选择明文或者明文 + 序列,若传输完整无误,明文的 CRC 计算结果等于收到的校验序列,明文 + 序列的计算结果归 0 。两者相比,后者实现流程简单。   Magic Num 。明文 + 序列的计算结果归 0 并不定能严格证明信息传输完整无误,无法检测“拖尾 0 ”问题,即在序列之后插入或者删除 0 序列,同样是由于 0 与 0 异为 0 。所以引入了 Magic Num 的机制,在发送端需要对校验序列逐位取反添加在明文序列之后发送,在接收端对明文 + 序列做校验,若结果等于 Magic Num 则说明信息传输完整无误。 Magic Num 是与生成多项式对应的序列,计算过程如下:   一般情况下,在接收端对明文 + 序列做计算,结果为 0 说明传输完整无误: ,其中 M 是明文序列, R 是校验序列, G 是生成多项式。   用 /R 表示 R 对 1 取反,我们得到: 因此,由接收端计算出的无差错的传输的校验和应该是: ,这就是 Magic Number 。   Magic Num的校验方法在网络传输的设计中比较常见,在 802.3 的 IP 核和 802.11 标准的附录框图中对 CRC32 校验的设计都采用了初始寄存器全 1 和 Magic Num 的方式 。   参考资料:   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_62d9edac01015lsd.html http://blog.csdn.net/highyyy/article/details/6208227   http://www.eefocus.com/Galois/blog/10-02/184555_16c21.html   http://wenku.baidu.com/view/a5b7d38002d276a200292e80  
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  • 所需E币: 3
    时间: 2020-1-15 10:53
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    上传者: 微风DS