热度 16
2010-12-28 16:02
3465 次阅读|
3 个评论
汽车行业其实是一个很“古老”的行业,由于本身其作为设计为人类的交通工具,在不同的国家和地区使用也有着很多很多的共性存在,当然不同的环境和偏好,使得各家公司有着不同的标准。当然由于日本和欧洲的语言问题,相对而言我接触的美国地区的标准较多。从IHS上面,有着较多的名目: AA( Aluminum Association Standards) AATCC(American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists) ASME Y14 Series(ASME Drawings and Terminology (Y14) Collection) ASTM(American Society for Testing and Materials) Delphi-I Delta Motor FMVSS(Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards) Ford Ford Drafting Ford NAAO (NSP) GM do Brasil GM Europe GM North America GM Worldwide Holden International Truck Engine Corporation (formally Navistar) ISO/IEC(Automotive Plastics) ISUZU Jaguar(Jaguar Standards Development Organization) JSAE(Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Inc) SAE "J"Reports 以上的标准比较全,我先给大家整理一下脉络,首先需要去了解的,就是ISO/IEC部分,里面东西比较多, ISO Standards and Specifications for Transportation Safety and Testing Collection ,这部分是重中之重,也是所有的汽车零部件产品的起标(这里先不说国标);由于本文作为综述性的文章,因此并不把里面的分类进行展开,有时间我会把所有的标准进行划分制成表格,让大家较为清晰的了解ISO的标准构成以及其作用。 然后就是SAE的标准了,由于前面已经介绍了很多SAE的标准的内容,可参考前面的博文: SAE的精神食粮 并重点注意以下的这些标准: SAE J211-1 (R) Instrumentation for Impact Test-Part 1-Electronic Instrumentation SAE J771 Automotive Printed Circuits SAE J1113-1 (R) Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedures and Limits for Components of Vehicles, Boats (Up To 15 M), and Machines (Except Aircraft) (50HZ to 18 GHZ) SAE J1113-2 (R) Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedures and Limit for Vehicle Components (Except Aircraft) - Conducted Immunity, 15 HZ to 250 KHZ - All Leads SAE J1211 (R) Handbook for Robustness Validation of Automotive Electrical/Electronic Modules 事实上,美国地区的汽车电子OEM标准主要包括GM和FORD两家的,特别针对电子产品的有 Ford Motor Company (FORD) FORD F-2 Electrical and Electronics System Engineering FORD WSF-M22P5-A1 Printed Circuit Boards, PTF, Double Sided, Flexible 在工作中曾经接触到FORD对于电子模块的一些要求,这些要求是FORD给供应商的参考文档。这些文档都是机密的, 有位前辈因此被判入狱了。 在判决书中有提到:system design specifications for the engine/transmission mounting subsystem, electrical distribution system, electric power supply, and electrical subsystem and generic body module。严格意义上来说,这些并不是企业标准,而是内部的材料,有Confidential的说明,注意这些文档并没有出现在IHS的清单里面,是受控的。因此,在当前国内的流动性过高的环境下,工程师还是需要对自己的行为慎之又慎,可能不留心就处于违法的境地了!(关键字:竞争对手,与工作无关的内容,关键内容由公司投资巨大而得出的材料) General Motors North America (GM) GM9100P Automotive Component EMC Specification Overview of Test Requirements GMN10061 Part Performance Requirements for Finishes of Electrical/Electronic Components General Motors Europe (GME) GMI 12537 General Specification for Electrical/Electronic Subsystems and Components, Structure and Applicability (Formerly QT 126537) GMI 12554 R PART 1 General Specification for Electrical/Electronic Subsystems and Components Part 1: General Specification for Electrical Signals and Interfaces Requirements GMI 12557 R General Specification for Electrical/Electronic Subsystems and Components, Basic Electrical Requirements GMI 12537 General Specification for Electrical/Electronic Subsystems and Components, Structure and Applicability (Formerly QT126537) General Motors Worldwide (GMW) GMW3097 General Specification for Electrical / Electronic Components and Subsystems, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Global EMC Component/Subsystem Validation Acceptance Process GMW3103 (EMC) General Specification for Electrical/Electronic Components and Subsystems, Electromagnetic Compatibility Global EMC Component /Subsystem Validation Acceptance Process GMW3172 General Specification for Electrical/Electronic Component Analytical/Development/Validation (A/D/V) Procedures for Conformance to Vehicle Environmental, Reliability, Durability, and Performance Requirements GMW8288 Thermal Evaluations of Electrical/Electronic Devices 与FORD的风格不一样,GM主要是利用标准化的方式来兼容这些。如果有钱,任何企业可以通过IHS来购买GM的标准,相对而言GM在做事情(某种而言,我与同事聊天时候都谈到,对待一些基础的标准上,GM可能是在中国最愿意培养供应商的一家OEM企业了)的开放程度上要比FORD也要好一些。 标准是每位工程师需要注意的材料,这里整理个大概,给同行们作为参考。