摘要:这说明比较阴极射线管,电致发光,倒装点,白炽灯泡,液晶,发光二极管,聚合物发光二极管,有机发光二极管,辉光放电,等离子显示屏,真空荧光显示技术的优点和缺点。Maxim > App Notes > Digital Potentiometers Display Drivers
Keywords: DS3514, gamma, gamma buffer, gamma register, 10 bit gamma, 10 bit gamma buffer, 10 bit data Jan 20, 2009
register, GM, GM buffer, GM register, GM Bank, gamma bank
Programming 10-Bit Gamma Registers on the DS3514
Abstract: The DS3514 programmable gamma and VCOM voltage generator features gamma buffers that provide
10 bits of resolution. These 10 bits are stored in two 8-bit registers. This application note explains how to
calculate the register values for the gamma registers.
The DS3514 programmable gamma and VCOM voltage generator has gamma buffers with 10 bits of resolution.
This means that there are 1024 possible gamma output levels. The range of settings for these gamma regi……