tag 标签: editor

  • 热度 20
    2015-8-18 23:31
    2518 次阅读|
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    Cadence Allegro PCB Editor 的拿来主义,这回我们谈谈关于Allegro封装库的复用,对,就是别人已经画好的板子,量产过的,并且封装无误的板子,我们可以将封装导出来,方便自己以后使用,不用再重新画了。 Allegro PCB Editor导出封装的操作步骤如下:         然后板子上所有器件的相关封装信息便会保存在您设置的“Export to directory”目录路径下。自己去挑中意的来用吧,O(∩_∩)O~     原创文章,转载请注明:  转载自  吴川斌的博客  http://www.mr-wu.cn/  本文链接地址:  Cadence Allegro PCB Editor 如何导出封装库 复用现有PCB板上的封装库 将偷懒进行到底http://www.mr-wu.cn/cadence-allegro-pcb-editor-export-libraries/
  • 热度 21
    2014-3-24 20:22
    1654 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    There is a new, free website that offers an online schematic entry tool. Check it out here . There's not much new about that, except that designs on this new site are made freely available to the public. "Sharing" is the meme today, often to excess, and schematics.com offers that to those interested in electronics. As of this writing there are about 50 schematics that have been contributed. The schematic editor is initially seeded with about 5000 components from NXP, though the press release suggests other partners will eventually be included. Is the site is ready for prime-time? I loaded one of the site's sample circuits into the editor and the very first thing I tried was to move R3:   The result:   Or, moving L1:   Gave:   Moving components gives pretty unpredictable results. Otherwise, the schematic editor worked well and was fast and intuitive though short on features. Though biased towards NXP components, for now, it does have a huge parts library. I'm sure the component-moving weirdness will be fixed. The tool produces a nice BOM. If you annotate it with Digi-Key part numbers the tool can order the parts for you. Pretty sweet. I don't care for the logic symbols, which are all just boxes. Need some NAND gates? The symbol for a 74HC00 (quadruple two input NAND gates), here in a circuit, looks like:   That's pretty hard to follow. The sharing is nice. However, I can't imagine using schematics.com for anything other than playing, or for publishing small circuits. Most of us work on proprietary designs and simply cannot share our work. Sometimes IP is controlled in the commercial industry with more zeal than the intelligence community uses in their secure compartmented information facilities. Even without IP issues, would you put your new pacemaker schematic in a public forum? Some eager lawyer may start looking for subtle flaws. One must realise that the circuits contributed by the community may be brilliant bits of engineering... or not. The 450MHz mobile phone jammer is an example. It's completely illegal here in the USA, though the part number of the transistor selected makes one think the circuit was designed overseas. No doubt it works, on a good day, with carefully-selected parts at room temperature. But it sure looks unstable in frequency to me. A breathalyzer sounded like fun, but the negative input to an LM324 is unconnected:   There's no way that circuit could function. With no vetting don't trust any of the designs without doing some analysis of your own. What do you think? Would you use an online schematic editor? Or share your designs?  
  • 热度 21
    2014-3-24 20:21
    1765 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    A new website offers a free online schematic entry tool. There's not much new about that, except that designs on this new site are made freely available to the public. "Sharing" is the meme today, often to excess, and schematics.com offers that to those interested in electronics. As of this writing there are about 50 schematics that have been contributed. The schematic editor is initially seeded with about 5000 components from NXP, though the press release suggests other partners will eventually be included. Is the site is ready for prime-time? I loaded one of the site's sample circuits into the editor and the very first thing I tried was to move R3:   The result:   Or, moving L1:   Gave:   Moving components gives pretty unpredictable results. Otherwise, the schematic editor worked well and was fast and intuitive though short on features. Though biased towards NXP components, for now, it does have a huge parts library. I'm sure the component-moving weirdness will be fixed. The tool produces a nice BOM. If you annotate it with Digi-Key part numbers the tool can order the parts for you. Pretty sweet. I don't care for the logic symbols, which are all just boxes. Need some NAND gates? The symbol for a 74HC00 (quadruple two input NAND gates), here in a circuit, looks like:   That's pretty hard to follow. The sharing is nice. However, I can't imagine using schematics.com for anything other than playing, or for publishing small circuits. Most of us work on proprietary designs and simply cannot share our work. Sometimes IP is controlled in the commercial industry with more zeal than the intelligence community uses in their secure compartmented information facilities. Even without IP issues, would you put your new pacemaker schematic in a public forum? Some eager lawyer may start looking for subtle flaws. One must realise that the circuits contributed by the community may be brilliant bits of engineering... or not. The 450MHz mobile phone jammer is an example. It's completely illegal here in the USA, though the part number of the transistor selected makes one think the circuit was designed overseas. No doubt it works, on a good day, with carefully-selected parts at room temperature. But it sure looks unstable in frequency to me. A breathalyzer sounded like fun, but the negative input to an LM324 is unconnected:   There's no way that circuit could function. With no vetting don't trust any of the designs without doing some analysis of your own. What do you think? Would you use an online schematic editor? Or share your designs?
  • 热度 11
    2012-2-13 16:54
    2923 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    spb16.3下面,自己编辑一个stroke文件,结果没有生效。好像是软件运行起来没有找到那个 stroke文件的路径还是什么原因,后来编辑了G:\Cadence\SPB_16.3\share\pcb\text\allegro.strokes 文件(G是我的安装路径),就可以生效了! 另外,最近用到了allegro16.5,修改了stroke文件之后却一直执行不了,每次右键都会出错,一直搞不懂是什么原因,stroke文件保存的位置也是对的!终于有一天,安装了java程序之后,又重新编辑stroke文件的时,出现了java程序运行的图标,之后再去pcb editor里面点击右键的时候就能用stroke定义的功能了!
  • 所需E币: 5
    时间: 2022-5-11 10:09
    大小: 65.52MB
    上传者: 西风瘦马
  • 所需E币: 3
    时间: 2021-3-24 18:56
    大小: 37.29MB
    上传者: samewell
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    时间: 2021-3-24 00:28
    大小: 38.59MB
    上传者: stanleylo2001
  • 所需E币: 3
    时间: 2020-11-17 22:06
    大小: 2.73MB
    上传者: xgp416
  • 所需E币: 3
    时间: 2020-11-17 22:06
    大小: 2.46MB
    上传者: xgp416
  • 所需E币: 0
    时间: 2020-9-18 17:03
    大小: 3.5MB
    上传者: LGWU1995
  • 所需E币: 0
    时间: 2020-9-2 00:07
    大小: 48.81MB
    上传者: Goodluck2020
  • 所需E币: 0
    时间: 2020-9-2 01:51
    大小: 37.28MB
    上传者: kaidi2003
  • 所需E币: 0
    时间: 2020-6-28 17:59
    大小: 1.43MB
    上传者: Argent
  • 所需E币: 0
    时间: 2020-6-28 18:02
    大小: 1.24MB
    上传者: Argent
  • 所需E币: 3
    时间: 2019-12-27 19:22
    大小: 4.43MB
    上传者: 238112554_qq
  • 所需E币: 3
    时间: 2019-12-24 11:15
    大小: 346.64KB
    上传者: rdg1993
  • 所需E币: 4
    时间: 2019-12-24 11:14
    大小: 72.5KB
    上传者: 2iot
    LUT是FPGA中实现逻辑的部件,由于采用了SRAM结构,因此一个LUT可以实现多种逻辑,实现的逻辑也可以通过FPGAEditor修改。强大的工具FPGAEditor(四)修改LUT的功能LUT是FPGA中实现逻辑的部件,由于采用了SRAM结构,因此一个LUT可以实现多种逻辑,实现的逻辑也可以通过FPGAEditor修改。对于如下一段语句:wire[3:0]din;regdout;always@(posedgeclk) dout这段语句实现的是一个4输入与门,我们要将他改写成一个4输入的或门。打开FPGAEditor,首先找到dout这个寄存器。组合逻辑经常被优化,名字也是千变万化,因此从寄存器入手找到信号不失为明智的选择。[pic]                      在找到dout这个寄存器之后,选中输入的线,就可以顺藤摸瓜,找到对应的Slice。上图中红线的右端是OLOGIC,左端是实现AND功能的LUT所在的Slice。双击进入该Slice,并打开属性窗口。[pic]         在Virtex5中每个Slice包含有4个LUT(分别编号为A,B,C,D),这里只用了编号为D的LUT的一个输出(D6LUT)。在属性窗口中,可以看到D6LUT后面描述的是(A1*(A5*(A3*A4))),这里的*表示逻辑与,A1,A3,A4,A5表示的是6输入LUT中的4个输入,因此描述了一个4输入与门的逻辑。如果想修改为4输入或门,只需要将D6LUT的值改为(A1+(A5+(A3+A4)))。描述LUT的功能支持以下几个运算符:*:与+:或@:异或~:非……
  • 所需E币: 5
    时间: 2019-12-24 11:14
    大小: 60.5KB
    上传者: givh79_163.com
  • 所需E币: 5
    时间: 2019-12-24 11:15
    大小: 62.5KB
    上传者: 238112554_qq
    有时不小心会把某些控制信号的极性搞错了,比如复位啊、片选啊、使能啊一类的。这种错误令人恼火,其实FPGAEditor可以轻松应对。强大的工具FPGAEditor(二)修改输入信号极性有时不小心会把某些控制信号的极性搞错了,比如复位啊、片选啊、使能啊一类的。这种错误令人恼火,其实FPGAEditor可以轻松应对。第一步,启动FPGAEditor,并将工作模式更改为可读写。第二步:在List栏里搜索需要更改极性的信号,rstn。[pic]第三步,选中rstn对应的IOB。在list栏中选中rstn,然后通过zoomselect按钮将IOB放大。[pic][pic]第四步,双击rstn所在的IOB,打开IOB的结构。[pic]看红色方块里的部分,输入部分被分为两路:一路直通,一路反向。通过前面的选择器接入FPGA的内部逻辑。这个图中是选中了反向的一路,只要更改为直通那路,也就完成了引脚极性的修改。第五步,点击beginediting按钮进行编辑模式。[pic]进入编辑模式后,背景变成黑色。第六步,单击选择器靠上的那个小三角,选择直通的一路。[pic]第七步,单击apply按钮完成修改。保存,关闭IOB编辑窗口。[pic]第八步,Tools->RunBitgen生成bit文件,搞定。可以将新的bit文件下到板子里去试试,看有什么变化:) 转载自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d784f8e0100t04t.html……
  • 所需E币: 3
    时间: 2020-1-10 12:34
    大小: 1.4MB
    上传者: wsu_w_hotmail.com