原创 Hierarchical Wire Load Models(层次结构化的线载模型)

2010-7-28 20:44 7632 12 12 分类: FPGA/CPLD
Hierarchical Wire Load Models(Comes from DC user guide)
DC supports three modes for determining which wire load model to use for nets that cross hierarchical boundaries:
Top - Top模式
DC models nets as if the design has no hierarchy and uses the wire load model specified for the top level of the design hierarchy for all nets in a design and its subdesigns. The tool ignores any wire load models set on subdesigns with the set_wire_load_model command.
Use top mdoe if you plan to flatten the design at a higher level of hierarchy before layout.


Enclosed - Enclosed 模式
DC uses the wire load model of the smallest design that fully encloseds the net. If the design enclosing the net has no wire load model, the tool traverses the design hierearchy upward until it finds a wire load model. Enclosed mode is more accurate than top mode when cells in the same design are placed in a contiguous region during layout.
Use enclosed mode if the design are placed in physical hierarchies.


Segmented - Segmented 模式
DC determines the wire load models of each segment of a net by the design encompassing the segment. Nets crossing hierarchical boundaries are divided into segments. For each net segment, DC uses the wire load model of the design containing the segment. If the design contains a segment that has no wire load model, the tool traverses the design hierarchy upward until it finds a wire load model.

Use segmented mdoe if the wire load models in your technology have been characterized with net segments.


Following Figure shows a sample design with a cross-hierarchy net, cross_net. The top level of the hierarchy(design TOP) has a wire load model of 50x50. The next level of hierarchy(design MID) has a wire load model of 40x40. The leaf-level designs, A and B, have wire load models of 20x20 and 30x30, respectively.



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