* MotherBoard: GigaByte GA-MA770-DS3
o NorthBridge: AMD770
o SouthBridge: AMD SB600
o NetCard: RTL8111B on board
* GraphicCard: GEFORCE 7200GS PCI-E socket
* Memory: 8GB
* HardDisk: Seagate 320GB*2, SATA
2. OS: RHEL AS4 update 4, kernel: 2.6.9-42
3. RAID1 Configuration:
* Close the RAID feature for SATA in BIOS. Set it to be Native IDE.
* Create soft-RAID partitions on /dev/sda, as following:
/dev/sda1 196MB #/boot
/dev/sda2 294998MB #/
/dev/sda3 10048MB #swap
* Create same partitions on /dev/sdb as well as /dev/sda.
* Create RAID device, set the RAID level to be RAID 1
/dev/md0 /boot ext3
/dev/md1 / ext3
/dev/md2 swap
4. GRUB Installation:
Install GRUB to /dev/md1, the mount point of /.
5. Firewall:
* permit SSH
* permit FTP
* default linux: SELinux
6. Language:
Simplified Chinese
7. Setup Root Password
8. Install Netcard on board
* Download the latest RTL8111B driver.
* Compile, install and run.
* Config eth0:
o IP
o Gateway
o ComputerName
* Resolution:
Install grub on MBR of both of sda and sdb. Commands as follows:
o Install grub on MBR of sda. Note the (hd0,0) refers to the /boot
grub>root (hd0,0)
grub>setup (hd0)
o Install grub on MBR of sdb. Note the (hd1,0) refers to the /boot
grub>root (hd1,0)
grub>setup (hd1)