HP3070在线测试仪硬件知识boot过程 http://www.wjcyc.com
HP3070 Boot的过程其实是主机通过系统卡与机器间上电和自检的过程.
Self-test and boot routines are stored in ROM on the System Card and the Control Cards. The self-test routine verifies that a card is functioning normally. The boot routines downloaded operating system and utility programs to the cards and start them running. The System Card's boot routine includes initiating the self-test and boot routines on the Control Cards. We take the Serial 3 system card for example.The self-test and boot routines run in the following order:
1. When the System Card is powered up, its self-test runs automatically. When the testhead is booted, the System Card is reset and its self-test runs again
.2. When the self-test is completed, the System Card runs its boot, which downloads its operating system and utility programs from the system controller.
3. The System Card powers up and resets all module Control Cards. This initiates their self-test routines.
4. When a Control Card's self-test is completed, it runs its boot, which downloads its operating system and utility programs from the controller (via the System Card).
5. The System Card and Control Cards' operating systems are now running and the cards have established communication
我们在Boot前会先给机器上电, 那Switch按钮按下后,亮红灯怎么办????
1)如果你是在setup机器,请检查你的PDU的绕线是否正确, 即PDU绕线所对应的电压是否和你接入的主电源一样.
2)请检查EMO 回路, 通常会是一下几种情况:
a. 系统卡下的接真空管的connector脱落
b. 紧急按钮被按下了
另外,我曾碰到亮绿灯,却上不了电的情况!! 这种情况应该是由于PDU中control board有问题
1) 在shell窗口中, 键入: boot 1. 此过程会测试主机,系统卡,和control card
2) 在BT-BASIC窗口中键入"testhead power on",此过程会在1的基础上检查都 DUT supply. 通常fail会有提示: GPIO time out!
3) 进入Service 1, 点击 "testhead power on"
如果是MPU的问题,而没有Boot成功, 会出现"system config is not match official config" 类似的信息, 在Testhead config(service 1)选项中, 可以看到有个Module的卡都找不到, 打着星号! MPU在空载的情况下电压正常,但掉电, 情况我没有碰到过, 但我想是在这电路上有短路所引起的,MPU不见得有问题, 可以试着看看系统卡和Mother board.
用户377235 2014-3-28 21:45
tengjingshu_112148725 2009-4-23 14:49