原创 工具软件之字模提取(一)

2008-12-29 15:42 6850 12 12 分类: 软件与OS





(1)、取得汉字的GB2312编码,比如说汉字“我”的GB2312编码为0xCED2, 52946,其中高字节用Hbyte=0xCE表示,低字节用Lbyte=0xD2表示

(2)、计算汉字“我”在HZK16中的偏移量。公式:偏移量LocationOffset=[(Hbyte-0xA1)*94+(Lbyte-0xA1)]*32+1,以“我”为例 LocationOffset="0x216e1"


(4)一般的单片机系统的字库用source code的方式保存的,所以还要将字库数据变成sorcecode的数组定义,汇编用(DB XX)





Dim hzbyte(0 To 31) As Byte
Dim fzByte(0 To 31) As Byte
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo err
'Dim hanzi As String
'Dim zimo As String
'Dim zimoArr(32) As Integer
Dim txtStr As String
Dim P(1 To 2) As Byte
Dim LoCation As Long

Dim C1, C2
'Dim tempFile As String
Dim HzFilepath As String
'Dim tempSrcFile As String
'Dim TempDestFile As String
Dim tempFilepath As String
Dim txtLen As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim path As String
If Me.Text1.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
tempFilepath$ = App.path & "\" & "tempfile.txt"
HzFilepath = App.path & "\" & "hzk16"
txtLen = Len(Trim$(Me.Text1.Text))
Dim str As String
Open tempFilepath For Output As #1
Print #1, Trim$(Me.Text1.Text)
Close #1
str = "//一共输入" & CStr(txtLen) & "个汉字" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
For j = 0 To txtLen - 1
    str = str & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    Open tempFilepath For Binary Access Read As #1
    Get #1, (2 * j + 1), P
    Close #1
    C1 = CStr(P(1)) - &HA1
    C2 = CStr(P(2)) - &HA1
    Dim rec As Integer
    rec = C1 * 94 + C2
    LoCation = CLng(rec) * 32 + 1
    'path = App.path & "\" & "hzk16"
    Open HzFilepath For Binary Access Read As #1 ' Len = 32
    Get #1, LoCation, hzbyte
    Close #1
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim s As String
    s = Left$(Me.Text1.Text, j + 1)
    s = Right$(s, 1)
    str = str & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    str = str & "unsigned char code hanzi_" & C1 & C2 & "[]=" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    str = str & "//第" & CStr(j) & "个字的字吗:" & s & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    str = str & "{"
    For i = 0 To 31

        If Len(Hex(hzbyte(i))) = 1 Then
            str = str & "0x0" & Hex(hzbyte(i)) & ","
'End If
            str = str & "0x" & Hex(hzbyte(i)) & ","
        End If
'Debug.Print " "
        If i = 15 Then
            str = str & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
        End If


    Next i
    str = str & "};"
Next j
Me.Text2.Text = str


Exit Sub
MsgBox err.Description

End Sub

Function fanzhuan()
Dim temp As Byte
'/temp = 1
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 31
fzByte(i) = 0
Next i
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To 7
    For i = 0 To 7
        fzByte(j) = fzByte(j) + getxnbit(hzbyte(i * 2), j) / twoxf(7 - i)
        fzByte(j + 8) = fzByte(j + 8) + getxnbit(hzbyte(i * 2 + 1), j) / twoxf(7 - i)
        fzByte(j + 16) = fzByte(j + 16) + getxnbit(hzbyte(16 + i * 2), j) / twoxf(7 - i)
        fzByte(j + 24) = fzByte(j + 24) + getxnbit(hzbyte(17 + i * 2), j) / twoxf(7 - i)
    Next i
Next j


End Function
Function RLC(x As Byte) As Integer
Dim temp As Integer
Dim c As Integer
c = 0
temp = x
temp = temp * 2
If temp >= 128 Then
c = 1
End If
RLC = c

End Function
'Function RRC(x As Byte) As Integer
'Dim temp As Integer
'Dim c As Integer
'c = 0
'temp = x
'If (x Mod 2) > 0 Then
'c = 1
'End If
'RRC = c

'End Function
Function getxnbit(x As Byte, n As Integer) As Byte

Dim temp As Integer
Dim ret As Integer
Dim i As Integer

ret = 256
temp = x
For i = 0 To n
temp = temp * 2
ret = ret / 2
If i = n And temp >= 256 Then
    'getxnbit = ret
    getxnbit = 128
    Exit For
End If
temp = temp Mod 256
Next i
End Function



3 说明代码中取得汉字内码的方法是先将text1控件的汉字保存到一个临时文件tempfile.txt中,然后再从文件中以二进制的方式读取。代码没有添加提取方式转换的算法,使用的是HZK16的默认的取模方式。




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