原创 mkboot批处理命令解读

2006-11-1 23:41 5350 9 9 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式


@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto usage  参数一盘符一般选a:
if "%2" == "" goto usage  做bootrom的源文件

vxsys %1  在第零扇区写入机器代码引导bootrom,这段代码决定了bootrom必须连续
if errorlevel 1 goto sysfail
if exist %1bootrom.sys del %1bootrom.sys

rem Check files with known names
rem Customers using unique file names should make modifications below.
if "%2" == "bootrom.dat"         goto omf
if "%2" == "bootrom"             goto omf
if "%2" == "bootrom_uncmp"       goto omf
if "%2" == "vxWorks_rom"         goto omf
if "%2" == "bootrom.bin"         goto binext
if "%2" == "bootrom_uncmp.bin"   goto binext
if "%2" == "vxWorks_rom.bin"     goto binext

echo Warning, Unrecognized file name %2. Assuming .bin extension.

copy %2 %1bootrom.sys
if errorlevel 1 goto copyfail
goto chkdsk

objcopypentium -O binary --gap-fill="0" %2 %1bootrom.sys  生成bootrom,最好软盘时空盘,否则可能造成不连续。也可以在其他盘(如CF卡)下做。
if errorlevel 1 goto omffail

:chkdsk  检查文件是否连续
echo System tranferred.  Checking %1BOOTROM.SYS is contiguous
echo chkdsk %1bootrom.sys
chkdsk %1bootrom.sys
goto end

:omffail 出现错误
echo Failed to objcopy %2 to %1BOOTROM.SYS!
goto usage

echo Failed to install boot sector on drive %1!
goto usage

echo Failed to copy %2 to %1BOOTROM.SYS!

echo Usage: mkboot drive: bootfile (e.g. mkboot a: bootrom.bin)
echo Installs VxWorks boot sector on drive, and copies over bootfile
echo as boot image BOOTROM.SYS. If the bootrom file is named bootrom.dat
echo as documented in older literature, then the file is assumed to be
echo an object module and is converted to binary before copied.
echo Note: BOOTROM.SYS must be contiguous or the boot will fail.  This can
echo be verified with CHKDSK.




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