在Windows下的安装包下载地址:http://www.tinyos.net/dist-1.1.0/tinyos/windows/。下载tinyos-1.1.11-3is.exe.这个安装包是cygwin和tinyos和到一起的。直接点击安装就可以了。安装过程中一路默认就可以了。安装后的tinyos是1.13版的。如需要下载更新的1.15版。就在安装好1.13后,再下载tinyos-1.1.15Dec2005cvs-1.cygwin.noarch.rpm 。
If you already have TinyOS 1.1.0 installed, upgrading to TinyOS 1.1.x consists of three steps:
- Save your previous work. We recommend making a tarball of your entire TinyOS-1.x directory and saving it someplace.
- Download the most recent 1.1.x rpm: tinyos-1.1.15Dec2005cvs-1.cygwin.noarch.rpm
- Install. As Administrator in a cygwin shell do
"rpm --force --ignoreos -Uvh tinyos-1.1.15Dec2005cvs-1.cygwin.noarch.rpm" in the directory where you saved the rpm. This will take a while (the tinyos package installation includes compiling the java code). TinyOS is installed in /opt/tinyos-1.x.
- You're done! Check the documentation in /opt/tinyos-1.x/doc/index.html for more information. See Installing and Updating Packages if you want to install any optional packages.
在Windows下安装tinyos 2.0 ,可以按照http://www.tinyos.net/tinyos-2.x/doc/html/install-tinyos.html中安装步骤进行(安装包有链接下载)。安装完后,在系统中添加环境变量(以前的日志有介绍)。
用户1177906 2007-8-17 00:04
用户374566 2007-7-18 10:15
in component 'BlinkAppc':
BlinkAppc.nc:51:cannot find 'boot'
make: ***[exe0] Error 1
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用户15069 2007-4-18 14:52
用户1177906 2007-3-26 13:40