1. Install basic tools:
sudo apt-get install subversion libusb-dev libxml2-dev automake texinfo lazarus
subversion is used to download source code for vsprog software and as well versaloon firmware code.
libusb and libxml2 are used by vsprog.
automake and texinfo are used to configure vsprog.
lazarus is used to compile vsgui.
2. create soft link for /libxml/*.h
sudo ln -s /usr/include/libxml2/libxml /usr/include/libxml
3. create versaloon foler in your home and run script in the directory: https://static.assets-stash.eet-china.com/album/old-resources/2009/12/1/c85afdd3-bc36-4cb8-bbad-c717b636c017.zip
Remember to rename the file to update.gz.
Mail me if any error here.
4. blacklist cdc_acm, udev will use cdc_acm as driver for versaloon by default, but if use that driver, libusb can't be used.
Add "blacklist cdc_acm" at the bottom of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, and use "rmmod cdc_acm" to stop the module if it is running, and then replug versaloon.
5. configure udev to enable non-root user to use versaloon: https://static.assets-stash.eet-china.com/album/old-resources/2009/12/1/bbc4e723-4c6e-4a78-90d0-63c9c6db00d1.zip
By default, ONLY root user can access versaloon through libusb, so you need a config file for udev to enable non-root user to use versaloon.
sudo cp 60-versaloon.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
6. test by running "vsprog -Vvoltage" as non-root user with versaloon plugged in.
If everything is well configured, the voltage on target VCC will be displayed.

7. Compile vsgui with lazarus
Install Lazarus, note that the lazarus software in repo is 0.9.26, which has a lot of bugs.
Simply open vsgui/vsgui.lpi, modify the width of pnlMain.
And then press Ctrl+F9 to compile, and then copy the executable file to /usr/local/bin/.
用户131114 2009-12-9 14:59
用户236990 2009-12-9 09:52
用户236990 2009-12-9 09:39