Make sure that all of the circuit connections are valid. Check for incorrect node numbering or dangling nodes. Also, verify component polarity.
Make sure you didn't use the letter O instead of a zero (0).
Check for syntax mistakes. Make sure that you used the correct SPICE units (i.e. MEG instead of M(milli) for 1E6).
Make sure that there's a DC path from every node to ground.
Make sure that there are at least two connections at every node.
Make sure that there are no loops of inductors or voltage sources.
Make sure that there are no series capacitors or current sources.
Place the ground (node 0) somewhere in the circuit. Be careful when you use floating grounds; you may need to connect a large resistor from the floating node to ground.
Make sure that voltage/current generators use realistic values, and verify that the syntax is correct.
Make sure that dependent source gains are correct, and that B element expressions are reasonable. If you are using division in an expression, verify that division by zero cannot occur.
Make sure that there are no unrealistic model parameters; especially if you have manually entered the model into the netlist.
Make sure that all resistors have a value. In SPICE 3, resistors without values are given a default value of 1k Ohm.
Negative capacitor and inductor values are allowed in SPICE 3. They will not be flagged as an error, but can cause timestep problems, depending on the topology of the circuit.
"Warning: Zero diagonal value detected at node ( ) in equation solver, which might cause convergence problems. If your simulation fails, try adding a large resistor between node ( ) and ground."