原创 Keil Ulink -ME

2007-12-25 11:50 4036 7 7 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式

      The Keil ULINK-ME USB-JTAG Interface Adapter is a small hardware adapter that connects the USB port of your PC to the JTAG or OCDS debugging port of your target hardware. ULINK-ME is kin to the original ULINK USB-JTAG Adapter but has been updated and enhanced in many ways. You may use ULINK-ME to:

  • Download programs and test them on your target hardware.
  • Program the on-chip FLASH memory of many devices.
  • Program external FLASH memory of many target systems.

     The ULINK-ME User's Guide describes the ULINK-ME Adapter and contains detailed operating instructions for the hardware.


ULINK-ME supports a wide variety of devices and communication protocols.

  • ARM7 and ARM9 Devices
    These devices provide JTAG programming and debugging signals (known as Embedded ICE) that are brought out to a 20-pin connector.
  • ARM Cortex-M3 Devices
    These devices provide JTAG programming and debugging signals (known as Embedded ICE) that are brought out to a 20-pin connector.

The ULINK-ME JTAG adapter requires the following software versions (or later) be installed on your computer:

  • MDK-ARM — V3.04











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