2、LCD 3.5" 320x200 24bit color TFT color with backlight and touchscreen
3、MP3 decoder DSP + codec VS1002D
4、3-axis digital accelerometer with 11 bit accuracy
6、USB host connector 、USB device connector
7、IrDA transciever (optional)
8、MICTOR trace connector (optional)
9、PS2 keyboard connector
10、100Mbit Ethernet
11、CAN driver and connector
12、RS232 with ICSP control
13、SD/MMC card connector
14、JTAG connector
15、(optional) MICTOR TRACE connector
16、Reset button and circuit、2 buttons、1 trimpot、UEXT connector、Audio IN、Audio OUT、RTC battery
FR-4, 1.5 mm, red soldermask, component print、Dimensions:134.6x101.6mm (5.3 x 4.0")
用户441255 2013-5-25 23:55
huli184_389376486 2008-6-27 12:52