原创 飞思卡尔发布基于ARM Cortex-A8的i.MX515处理器,可实现综合售价200美元上网本方案

2009-1-8 20:47 3213 9 8 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式

飞思卡尔解决方案基于内置ARM Cortex?-A8技术的新i.MX515处理器,包括一系列令人印象深刻的软件、组件和资源,以帮助OEM快速开发和部署极具竞争力的上网本产品。

基于i.MX515处理器的综合上网本参考设计目前已上市。该参考设计专为呼应Pegatron 而创建,它内置i.MX515处理器、Canonical 的Ubuntu?操作系统、一个来自飞思卡尔的新电源管理IC 、SGTL5000超低功率音频编解码器、Adobe? Flash? Lite?软件、以及Adobe 的用于移动电话和器件的Flash 播放器。

“我们看到上网本市场的巨大商机,因为消费者要求更经济高效、性能更佳的解决方案,”飞思卡尔高级副总裁兼网络和多媒体部总经理Lisa Su 表示,“我们的上网本解决方案将让OEM能够开发引人注目的产品,不但拥有像手机一样的电池寿命,价格也非常便宜。我们相信,i.MX515处理器和相关支持解决方案的联合,将极大地加快这个令人兴奋的新领域的演进步伐。”

根据分析公司ABI Research的调查,2013年上网本的销量预计将会达到1.4亿台,而2008年的这一数字仅为1500万台。上网本的价格通常在300美元至400美元之间,是精简的嵌入式器件,对于很多基于互联网的活动,像社交、网上冲浪、浏览电子邮件及其他常见任务,它的性能绰绰有余。

“正如我们在2008年暑期旺季所看到的那样,由于消费者对实惠而紧凑的上网本需求旺盛,上网本市场呈爆炸式增长。用户可以用上网本开展一些常规任务,如社交或网上购物,”ABI Research首席分析师Philip Solis表示,“上网本市场目前仍处于初期阶段,对于像飞思卡尔这样的公司来说,是一个巨大的市场机遇。随着针对上网本的先进平台越来越多地投放市场,上网本的价格还将进一步降低,市场也将继续扩大。”

飞思卡尔新i.MX515集成了ARM Cortex-A8内核并使用65纳米处理技术制造,提供高达2100 Dhrystone MIPS,性能可从 600MHz 扩展至1GHz。i.MX515处理器包含一些先进电源管理功能,如基于硬件的专用视频加速块,能够延长电池寿命,不再需要风扇和散热片。


i.MX51是同时提供OpenVG 和OpenGL 图形内核的仅有的几个处理器之一,因此实现了2D 和3D图形以及Flash 和SVG,增强了用户体验。 为Adobe Player创建的视频是目前互联网上领先的视频格式之一。通过与Adobe合作,飞思卡尔计划让Adobe软件运行在该处理器的专用OpenVG图形块上,以此延长电池寿命,让上网本网络浏览体验具有像传统PC一样丰富内容和响应性。

飞思卡尔上网本解决方案的一个关键组件就是新MC13982电源管理IC 。MC13982将许多分散功能集成到一个器件,有助于减小最终产品的尺寸和重量,同时通过创新电源管理和控制特性延长电池寿命。该器件内置1个电池充电系统、4个为处理器内核和存储器供电的可调降压变换器、2个用于LCD 背光照明的升压转换器、RGB LED 显示器以及用于显示器和键盘的串行背光照明驱动器。

Adobe Flash 平台是在Web交付突破性应用、内容和视频的事实标准。Adobe Flash Player和Adobe Flash Lite?被应用于98%以上的电脑和8亿台以上设备,在全球范围内提供80%以上的Web视频,确保内容和应用以用户想要的格式持续呈现。




用户166456 2010-9-26 20:25


用户1318081 2009-1-8 20:48

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. However, Freescale Semiconductor's upcoming i.MX515 processor, based on the ARM chip architecture, should defy that belief, offering 1GHz speeds for under $200. The company plans to showcase the new silicon this week at CES, hoping to wow consumers with its low-power, gigahertz performance. Freescale, once a chipmaking arm of Motorola, doesn't consider its latest product as an attempt to compete with Intel. Rather, the company wants to remain on the lower-priced spectrum while offering admirable speed for consumers. “We see a huge opportunity in the netbook market as consumers demand more cost-effective and higher performing solutions,” said Lisa Su, senior vice president and general manager of Freescale’s Networking and Multimedia Group. “Our solution for netbooks will enable OEMs to develop compelling products that feature cell phone-like battery life at extremely aggressive price points. We believe the combination of the i.MX515 processor and related enablement solutions will dramatically accelerate the evolution of this exciting new space.” With the help of Pegatron (a wholly owned Asus subsidiary), the company already has a reference design netbook ready for display at CES. The device will not only sport the i.MX515 processor, but feature Canonical’s Ubuntu operating system, a new power management IC from Freescale, the SGTL5000 ultra low-power audio codec and Adobe Flash Lite software, Adobe’s Flash Player for mobile phones and devices. The demo unit also features an 8.9 inch display and a battery capable of sustaining eight hours of life between charges. The company manufactured the i.MX515 processor using 65-nm process technology, provides up to 2100 Dhrystone MIPS and can scale in performance from 600MHz to 1GHz. The processor uses no cooling fans or heat sinks, relying on "advanced power management features" such as dedicated, hardware-based acceleration block. Freescale will also incorporate low-cost printed circuit boards and a memory interface supporting both DDR2 and mobile DDR1. "The i.MX515 is one of the only processors to offer both OpenVG and OpenGL graphics cores, thereby enabling 2D and 3D graphics as well as Flash and SVG for enhanced user experiences," says the company. "Video created for the Adobe Player is one of the leading video formats on the Internet today. Working with Adobe, Freescale plans to enable the Adobe software to run on the processor’s dedicated OpenVG graphics block, thereby extending battery life and enabling netbook web browsing experiences as rich and responsive as those on traditional PCs." The netbook's summary page also lists a few interesting features, including analog HD720p component TV output, a multi-format HD 720p video decoder and a D1 video encoder hardware engine. Freescale plans to begin mass production sometime in Q2 2009, with a commercial release slated for the 2009 holiday shopping season. With the $200 pricetag, this netbook is definitely worth a peek when it appears at the end of the year.

用户1274812 2008-10-12 14:50


用户149823 2008-6-13 15:43


用户150200 2008-5-27 22:38

模拟电路设计有三个境界:第一是会手算,意思是说pensile-to-paper, 电路其实应该手算的,仿真只是证明手算的结果。第二是,算后要思考,把电路变成一个直观的东西。 第三就是创造电路。 启发很大

用户19921 2006-10-9 17:03


用户475568 2006-9-9 10:29


用户1240637 2006-9-8 20:12


用户544400 2006-9-8 08:33

很地道!尤其认同“芯片领域,我以前非常崇拜学术界牛人, 现在发现工业界水平还是较学术界领先”这句话。

用户700923 2006-8-27 21:41

这篇文章被转载过,我看过的 的确很佩服 给我很大启示
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