原创 集成电路设计领域之国际国内杂志与会议

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chenpufeng@ime.ac.cn<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

Journal and Transaction:

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits(JSSC)

IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI) Systems

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing

IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems

IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine

IEE Electronics Letters (EL)

Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers

Journal of Chinese Semiconductor







IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)

IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC)

ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)

IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD)

International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)

IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCS)

Symposium on VLSI Circuits

Symposium on VLSI Technology

International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED)

IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium

IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors (ICCD)

Design, Automation and Test in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 />Europe (DATE’2007)

IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems


1 DAC 2005

会议名称: the 42nd Design Automation Conference

时间/地点: June 13-17, 2005, Anaheim, California,

截稿时间: Nov. 3, 2004

相关网址: http://www.dac.com/42nd/index.html


? system level design methodology

? embedded and real-time systems

? behavioral/logic synthesis and optimization

? validation and verification for behavioral/logic design

? circuit optimization and simulation

? physical design and interconnect optimization

? test and design for testability

? analog and RF circuit design

? design for manufacturability and TCAD

? reconfigurable systems

? leading-edge designs

2 ICCAD 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Computer Aided Design

时间/地点: November 6-10, 2005

截稿时间: April 20, 2005

相关网址: http://www.iccad.com/


1) physical design and test

2) synthesis and system design

3) verification, modeling and simulation

4) innovative design technologies for devices, circuits and systems

3 PATMOS 2005

会议名称: Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation

时间/地点: 21-23 Sep 2005, Leuven, Belgium

截稿时间: 31 March 2005

相关网址: http://www.imec.be/patmos/


The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum to discuss and investigate the

emerging problems in the design methodologies and CAD-tools for the new generation

of IC technologies. A major emphasis of the technical program is on speed and

low-power aspects with particular regards to modeling, characterization, design and


该会议论文一般由SCI 收录!

4 ASICON 2005

会议名称: The 6th International Conference On ASIC

时间/地点: October 17-20, 2005, Shanghai, China

截稿时间: April 30, 2005(该会议论文一般由SCI 收录!)

相关网址: http://www.asicon2005.com/


[1] VLSI Design

[2] VLSI circuits

[3] Analog, mixed signal and RF circuit design

[4] Testing technology and design for testability

[5] Programmable devices

[6] Physical design

[7] Synthesis and system design, verification

[8] Modeling and simulation

Other VLSI Design related topics.

5 ISPD 2005

会议名称: ACM International Symposium on Physical Design

时间/地点: April 3-6,2005 San Francisco ,CA

截稿时间: October 17, 2004(该会议每年一次,本信息仅供参考!)

相关网址: http://www.ispd.cc/


? Floor planning and interconnect planning

? Interactions with behavior-level synthesis flows

? Partitioning, placement and routing

? Interactions with logic-level (re-)synthesis flows

? Compaction and layout verification, Analysis and management of power dissipation

? Synthesis optimizations within physical design,

? Management of design data and constraints

? Estimation and modeling New physical design methodologies

? Timing and crosstalk issues in physical design New paradigms in physical design

? Physical design for manufacturability and yield

? Design for large and/or high-performance systems

? Special structures for clocking and power networks

? Circuit performance measurements in a PD context

? Physical design in parallel/ distributed/Web environments

6 CICC 2005

会议名称: The IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference

时间/地点: September 18 - 21, 2005DoubleTree Hotel, San Jose, California

截稿时间: 18 Apr 2005

相关网址: http://www.ieee-cicc.org/home.html


? Analog Circuit Design

? Custom Applications and Low-Power Techniques

? Signal and Data Processing

? Embedded Memory

? Emerging Technologies

? Programmable Devices

? Simulation-Modeling

? SoC/SiP- IP Generation and Management

? Test, Debug, and Reliability

7 ESSCIRC 2005

会议名称: 31ts European Solid-State Circuits Conference

时间/地点: 2005-9-12, Grenoble , France

截稿时间: 2005-4-9

相关网址: www.esscirc2005.com


Analogue circuits, Digital circuits, RF communication circuits

Mixed signal circuits and Microsystems, Data converters

8 CAD/Graphics 2005

会议名称: The 9th International CAD/Graphics 2005 conference

时间/地点: December 7-10, 2005, Hong KongChina

截稿时间: May 31, 2005

相关网址: http://conference.ieem.ust.hk/~cadcg05/cfp.htm


Geometric, solid and heterogeneous modeling

Computer animation

Rendering techniques

Computer graphics systems and hardware

Computer graphics in Arts, Education, Engineering, Entertainment

Scientific computing and visualization

Large discredited models

–Image based modeling and rendering, computer vision


CAD data bases, data exchange and standards

–Virtual reality, computer human interface

Applications of computational geometry

Numerical control algorithms

Design computing, AI in design

–Computer Aided IC Design

Geometric and engineering tolerances

9 CSS 2005

会议名称: The 3rd IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems

时间/地点: October 24-26, 2005Marina del Rey, CA, USA

截稿时间: May 15, 2005(该会议每年一次,仅供参考!)

相关网址: http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2005/marina/c493.htm

论文范围: Digital Circuits and Systems, Integrated Circuits

RF and High-frequency Circuits, VLSI Circuits and Systems, Systems on a Chip

Nonlinear Circuits and Systems, Optoelectronic Circuits, Power Electronics

Nanotechnology, Computer-aided Design, Biologically Inspired Circuits and Systems

Communication Circuits and Systems, Robotics, Digital Signal Processing

Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Visualization, Speech Processing

Communication Systems, Wireless Communication, Multimedia

Control Theory, Control Systems, Fuzzy Logic,

10 ASYNC 2005

会议名称: the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems

时间/地点: March 13-16, 2005, New York City, USA

截稿时间: October 4, 2004

相关网址: http://vlsi.cornell.edu/async2005/


? Mixed synchronous/asynchronous architectures, interfaces, and circuits

? High-speed/low-power asynchronous logic, memories, and interconnects

? High-level design and synthesis of self-timed circuits

? Physical design of unclocked logic and pipelines

? Formal methods for correctness and performance analysis of asynchronous designs

? Test, reliability, security, and radiation tolerance

? CAD for asynchronous design and validation,

? Asynchronous System-on-a-chip (SoC)

? Novel asynchronous architectures

? Asynchrony and latency tolerance in system-level design

11 DATE 2005

会议名称: The 8th Design Automation and Test Conference in Europe

时间/地点: March 7 – 11, 2005 ICM, Munich, Germany

截稿时间: Sept. 12, 2004(该会议每年一次,本信息仅供参考!)

相关网址: http://www.date-conference.com/


? System Design Methods and Case Studies

? Analogue and Mixed A/D Systems

? Design of Low-Power Systems and Case Studies

? Platform Design and VC Reuse Methods

? System-Level Specification and Modelling

? Simulation and Emulation

? System Synthesis and Optimisation

? Architectural Synthesis

? Logic and FSM Synthesis

? Physical Design and Verification

? Defect-Based Testing and Test of Special Architectures

? SoC/SoB Test and Test Resource Partitioning

? Real-Time Systems

? Embedded Software Technology

? Media Processing

? Wireless Communication and Networking

? Data Storage and Control

? IP and Re-use

12 EDP 2005

会议名称: Electronic Design Processes Workshop 2005

时间/地点: April 7,8, 2005, MontereyCalifornia

截稿时间: February 10, 2005

相关网址: http://www.eda.org/edps/


Best practices and experiences

? Domain-specific methodologies: SOC, analog / mixed-signal, RF

? Metrics, Cost, time-to-market, productivity

? Scaling and migration

? Co-evolution of methodology and process technology

Human issues

? Large/distributed design teamsManufacturing integration

? Process/device characterization, modeling

? Functional verificationHW/SW co-designIP reuse

? Future methodology needs and concepts

? Impact of design-manufacturing interface

? Process advances and multi-technology integration

? New tool/algorithms

13 DDECS 2005

会议名称: IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems 2005

时间/地点: April 13-16, 2005, Sopron, Hungary

截稿时间: January , 2005(该会议每年一次,本信息仅供参考!)

相关网址: http://sauron.inf.mit.bme.hu/DDECS05.nsf


? Analog, Mixed-Signal and RF Test, ASIC/FPGA Design,

? ATE Hardware and Software

? Bio-inspired Hardware, Built-in Self-Test (BIST),

? Defect/Fault Tolerance and Reliability, Design Verification/Validation

? Design for Testability and Diagnosis, Embedded Test,

? Formal Methods in System Design, Hardware/Software Co-Design, IP-based Design

? Logic Synthesis, Memory and Processor Test, MEMS Testing, Physical Design

? Reconfigurable Computing, System-on-a-Chip (SoC)

14 ASP-DAC 2006

会议名称: 11th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference

时间/地点: Jan. 24-272006 Yokohama City, Japan

截稿时间: July 20, 2005

相关网址: http://www.aspdac.com/aspdac2006/


[1] System Level Design Methodology

[2] Embedded and Real-Time Systems

[3] Behavioral/Logic Synthesis and Optimization

[4] Validation and Verification for Behavioral/Logic Design

[5] Physical Design

[6] Timing, Power, Signal/Power Integrity Analysis and Optimization

[7] Interconnect, Device and Circuit Modeling and Simulation

[8] Test and Design for Testability

[9] Analog, RF and Mixed Signal Design and CAD

[10] Leading Edge Design Methodology for SOCs and SIPs

15 SASIMI 2006

会议名称: The 13th Workshop on Synthesis and System Integration of Mixed Information


时间/地点: Apr. 3-4, 2006, Nagoya, Japan

截稿时间: November 11, 2005

相关网址: http://www.sasimi.jp


Layout/Logic/Behavioral Synthesis Test, Verification and Simulation System Design and

Design Experiences Embedded Software Design and HW/SW Co-design Analog and

Mixed-Signal Design New Design Methodologies (Reconfigurable Systems, MEMS,


16 VLSI 2005

会议名称: 13th IFIP International Conferences on Very Large Scale Integration

时间/地点: October 17-19,2005 Perth, Western Australia

截稿时间: March 28, 2005

相关网址: http://vlsi2005.ecu.edu.au/


? Analog and Mixed-Signal IC Design, Digital IC Design, Physical Design

? Digital Signal Processing and Image Processing IC Design

? Telecommunication Circuits and Applications

? Special and Reconfigurable ("Soft-Hardware") Architectures

? Hardware Reconfiguration (FPGA-based circuits, systems and applications)

? Systems on Chip (embedded systems, IPs, ...)

? Opto-ULSI processing, Modelling and Simulation

? Deep Submicron Design and Modelling Issues

? Micromechanical Systems

? Verification, Low-Power Design, Logic and High-Level Synthesis

? Prototyping and Validation, Testability and Design for Test, CAD/CAE tools

17 ISLPED 2005

会议名称: International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design

时间/地点: August 8-10,2005, San Diego, California

截稿时间: February 20, 2005(该会议每年一次,仅供参考!)

相关网址: http://eeserver.ee.virginia.edu/~islped/


1. Architecture, Circuits, and Technology

? Technologies and Digital Circuits, Emerging logic and memory technologies,

? Device design, Low leakage circuits, Memory circuits,

? Cooling technologies, Battery technologies

? Logic and Micro-architecture Design

? Logic and RTL design, Arithmetic and signal processing circuits

? Processor core design, Cache design,

? Temperature aware design, Asynchronous design

? Analog, MEMS and Mixed Signal Electronics, RF circuits, Wireless, MEMS

circuits, AD/DA, Converters, Mixed-signal circuits, DC-DC conversion

2. Design Tools, Systems and Software Design

? Energy estimation and optimization tools that operate at the circuit/gate level, RT

level, behavioral level, and algorithmic level, Physical design and interconnects

? System Design and Methodologies, Microprocessor and DSP-based systems

? Embedded systems design, SOC designs, Reconfigurable systems,

? System level power management and design aids

? Power aware compiler and operating system design,

? Application level optimizations, Wireless and sensor networks

18 Hot Chips 2005

会议名称: A Symposium on High-Performance Chips

时间/地点: Aug 14-162005, Palo Alto, USA

截稿时间: 25 March 2005

相关网址: http://www.hotchips.org/hc17/index.htm

论文范围: 略

19 SBCCI 2005

会议名称: The 18th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design

时间/地点: 04-07 Sep 2005Florianópolis, Brazil

截稿时间: 14 Apr 2005

相关网址: http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~chiponthereefs/sbcci2004/ (仅供参考!)

论文范围: 略

20 ESSCIRC 2005

会议名称: European Solid-State Device Research/Circuits Conference

时间/地点: 12-16 Sep 2005Grenoble, France

截稿时间: 09 Apr 2005

相关网址: http://www.essderc2005.com/



? Analogue Circuits

? Data Converters

? Digital Circuits

? Rf & Wireless Communication Circuits

? Digital & Mixed Signal Soc Integration

? Mixed Signal, High Voltage & High Power Circuits

? Imagers, Sensors And Microsystems

21 ECCTD 2005

会议名称: European Conference on Circuits Theory and Design

时间/地点: 29 Aug-01 Oct 2005Cork, Ireland

截稿时间: 15 March 2005

相关网址: http://ecctd05.ucc.ie/


Circuits Theory

Circuits Design,略


1 电子学报

Acta electronica Sinica 中国电子学会.— 北京 :《电子学报》编委会, 1962


ISSN 0372-2112 CN11-2087 2-891 BM436





2 半导体学报

Chinese journal of semiconductors 中国电子学会,中国科学院半导体研究所.— 北京 :《半导体学报》编辑部, 1980


ISSN 0253-4177 CN11-1870 2-184 M418




3 通信学报

Journal of China Institute of Communications 中国通信学会.— 北京 :《通信学报》编辑委员会, 1980

月刊 CLCTN91

ISSN 1000-436X CN11-2102 2-676 M395






4 电子科学学刊

Journal of electronics 中国科学院电子学研究所.— 北京 :中国科学院《电子科学学刊》编辑委员会, 1983


ISSN 0258-798X CN11-2002 2-179 BM412






5 电子科技大学学报

Journal of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 电子科技大学.— 成都 :该校学报编辑部, 1989


ISSN 1001-0548 CN51-1207 62-34





6 电子技术应用

Application of electronic technique 电子工业部第六研究所.— 北京 :《电子技术应用》编辑部, 1975


ISSN 0258-7998 CN11-2305 2-889 M398





7 固体电子学研究与进展

Research & progress of solid state electronics 南京电子器件研究所.— 南京 :《固体电子学研究与进展》编辑部, 1981


ISSN 1000-3819 CN32-1110 Q850




8 微电子学

Microelectronics 四川固体电路研究所.— 重庆 :《微电子学》编辑部, 1971

双月刊 CLCTN4

ISSN 1004-3365 CN51-1279





9 微波学报

Journal of microwaves 中国电子学会.— 南京 :南京理工大学微波工程研究中心, 1988

季刊 CLCTN015

ISSN 1005-6122 CN31-1415






10 半导体技术

Semiconductor technology 中国半导体行业协会,信息产业部半导体专业情报网.— 石家庄 :《半导体技术》编辑部, 1976

双月刊 CLCTN3

ISSN 1003-353X CN13-1109 18-65







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