我直接用店主提供的EP2C5Q208_NIOS的实例,把sdram解压缩后,copy到D:\sopc\sdram下。用quartus打开,重新编译,下载,可以成功。在nios 2中新建project,主程序就是copy例子中的主程序。run as -》nios 2 hardware .提示说:The specified jtag device(in the Target Connection tab) is invalid。
在run/run..对话框中进一步提示说:Target connection 中“Select a JTAG device. If none are available, try a different cable.”但是
JTAG Device 选项呈灰色,无法选择。这是怎么回事呀?
补充nios 2 debug提示:
Reading System ID at address 0x01001038:
ID value does not match: read 0x27515621; expected 0x27A8AA11
Timestamp value does not match: image on board is older than expected
Read timestamp 4:12:00 2009/02/05; expected 16:43:52 2009/03/22
The software you are downloading may not run on the system which is currently
configured into the device. Please download the correct SOF or recompile.
Leaving target processor paused
nios2-terminal: Warning: The JTAG cable you are using is not supported for Nios
nios2-terminal: II systems. You may experience intermittent JTAG communication
nios2-terminal: failures with this cable. Please use a USB Blaster revision B
nios2-terminal: cable or another supported cable. Please refer to the file
nios2-terminal: errata.txt included in the Nios II development kit documents
nios2-terminal: directory for more information.
用户1597291 2014-6-27 15:38
用户190801 2009-5-12 21:00