// IS61LV25616 Asynchronous SRAM, 256K x 16 = 4M; speed: 10ns.
// Note; 1) Please include "+define+ OEb" in running script if you want to check
// timing in the case of OE_ being set.
// 2) Please specify access time by defining tAC_10 or tAC_12.
`define OEb
`define tAC_10 //tAC_10 or tAC_12 defines different parameters
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module IS61LV25616 (A, IO, CE_, OE_, WE_, LB_, UB_);
parameter dqbits = 16;
parameter memdepth = 262143;
parameter addbits = 19;
parameter Toha = 2;
parameter Tsa = 2;
`ifdef tAC_10 //if "`define tAC_10 " at beginning,sentences below are compiled
parameter Taa = 10,
Thzce = 3,
Thzwe = 5;
`ifdef tAC_12 //if "`define tAC_12 " at beginning,sentences below are compiled
parameter Taa = 12,
Thzce = 5,
Thzwe = 6;
input CE_, OE_, WE_, LB_, UB_;
input [(addbits - 1) : 0] A;
inout [(dqbits - 1) : 0] IO;
wire [(dqbits - 1) : 0] dout;
reg [(dqbits/2 - 1) : 0] bank0 [0 : memdepth];
reg [(dqbits/2 - 1) : 0] bank1 [0 : memdepth];
//array to simulate SRAM
// wire [(dqbits - 1) : 0] memprobe = {bank1[A], bank0[A]};
wire r_en = WE_ & (~CE_) & (~OE_); //WE=1,CE=OE=0 Read
wire w_en = (~WE_) & (~CE_) & ((~LB_) | (~UB_)); //WE=CE=0,LB or UB="0",OE=x Write
assign #(r_en ? Taa : Thzce) IO = r_en ? dout : 16'bz;
$timeformat (-9, 0.1, " ns", 10); //show current simulation time
assign dout [(dqbits/2 - 1) : 0] = LB_ ? 8'bz : bank0[A];
assign dout [(dqbits - 1) : (dqbits/2)] = UB_ ? 8'bz : bank1[A];
always @(A or w_en)
#Tsa //address setup time
if (w_en)
bank0[A] = LB_ ? bank0[A] : IO [(dqbits/2 - 1) : 0];
bank1[A] = UB_ ? bank1[A] : IO [(dqbits - 1) : (dqbits/2)];
// Timing Check
`ifdef tAC_10
specify //sepcify delay
tSA = 0,
tAW = 8,
tSCE = 8,
tSD = 6,
tPWE2 = 10,
tPWE1 = 8,
tPBW = 8;
`ifdef tAC_12
tSA = 0,
tAW = 8,
tSCE = 8,
tSD = 6,
tPWE2 = 12,
tPWE1 = 8,
tPBW = 8;
$setup (A, negedge CE_, tSA);
$setup (A, posedge CE_, tAW);
$setup (IO, posedge CE_, tSD);
$setup (A, negedge WE_, tSA);
$setup (IO, posedge WE_, tSD);
$setup (A, negedge LB_, tSA);
$setup (A, negedge UB_, tSA);
$width (negedge CE_, tSCE);
$width (negedge LB_, tPBW);
$width (negedge UB_, tPBW);
`ifdef OEb
$width (negedge WE_, tPWE1);
$width (negedge WE_, tPWE2);
用户377235 2016-4-28 05:08
用户377235 2016-4-28 05:07
请教博主:IS61LV25616的DS中Write Cycle No.4,/LB和/UB控制,back-to-back write是什么意思?和其他3中写操作有何区别?4种写时序,哪个速度最快?不懂请教,非常感谢!