The High Speed cost option is available for the PCB design editor. A rich interactive toolset featuring constraint based routing and including differential pair routing, interactive net length (min & max) routing and indicators, Serpentine routing and Spiral definition.
Features :
Easy definition of high speed rules using Technology files
Rules can be defined at Schematic stage by the engineer and automatically transferred to the PCB design
Rules easily defined on a per net class basis
Rules analysis checked using DRC
Differential Pair Rules
Differential pairdefinition and routing
DRC check and reporting
Pin to Pin rules
Gap definition rule
Percentage % pair routing rule
Length deviation rule
Rule check for paired track but not routed paired
Interactive routing of pairs using pair router mode
Start/end/remove modes of operation
Add pair mode to add 'cone' route to master already defined
Net Length Rules
Net length rulesdefinition (min & max length)
Interactive net length rules during manual routing
Visual net length indicators showing min/max and textural indicators
Track length min/max rules and Pin to Pin rules
Max number of vias rule
Min/Max track width rule
Via diameter rule
Display of rules during interactive routing
Display of Min/Max rules using dynamic octagons
Display of rules in text with dynamic update
Colour changes of rule indicators/text when inside and outside rule tolerance
Rule text size defintion
Serpentine Routing
Serpentine routing for 'focused' interactive routing patterns
Min/Max amplitude
track separation distance
number of cycles
cycle reduction and removal
automatic obstacle avoidance
additional length rule
min/max track length rules obeyed
Interactive Spiral Support
Spirals using intelligent rules supported
Circular/square shape
Gap rules defined
Number of turns
Inner spiral width defined
Aspect ration for non-square shapes
Corner radius defined for circular shapes
Spirals can be made in Copper and non-electrical shapes
Spirals can be created and saved within the footprint definition