原创 . You were like a little brother to me

2009-7-15 11:28 1271 2 2 分类: 工程师职场

 I’ve heard that there are still some of your people hiding out there, but Blackmoore’s men are never able to find them, just traces.” She looked up at him. “You’ll somehow need to find them, Thrall. Get them to help you.”  Your people, Taretha had said. Notthe orcs , orthose things , orthose monsters. Gratitude suddenly welled up inside him so powerfully that for a moment he couldn’t speak. Finally, he managed, “Why are you doing this? Why do you want to help me?”  She looked at him steadily, not flinching from what she saw.

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 “Because I remember you when you were a baby. You were like a little brother to me. When . . . when Faralyn died soon afterward, you were the only little brother I had anymore. I saw what they did to you, and I hated it. I wanted to help you, be your friend.” Now she looked away. “And I have no more fondness for our master than you do.”  “Has he hurt you?” The outrage that Thrall felt surprised him.



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