原创 No one wanted the war renewed

2009-8-26 10:13 969 3 3 分类: 工程师职场

Not for the first time,  His delay in meeting with Vereesa had been unavoidable, the product of trying to find necessary supplies and components. He only hoped it would still not prove to jeopardize his entire mission. To free the Dragonqueen . . . An impossible, improbable quest to some, certain death to most. Yet, even during the war, Rhonin had proposed such. cheap wow gold Clearly, if the Dragonqueen were freed, it would at the very least strip from the remaining orcs one of their greatest weapons. However, circumstance had never enabled such a monumental quest to come to fruition. Rhonin knew most of the council hoped he would fail.

To be rid of him would be to erase what they considered a black mark from the history of their order. This mission had a double edge to it; they would be astounded if he succeeded, but relieved if he failed. At least he could trust in Krasus. The wizard had first come to him, asking if his younger counterpart still believed he Aion gold could do the impossible. Dragonmaw clan would forever retain its hold on Khaz Modan unless Alexstrasza was freed, and so long as the orcs there continued the work of the Horde, they remained a possible rallying point for those in the guarded enclaves. No one wanted the war renewed.

The <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />Alliance had enough strife within its own ranks to keep it busy. A brief rumble of thunder disturbed Rhonin's contemplations. He looked up but saw only a few cottony clouds. Frowning, the fiery-haired spellcaster turned his gaze game4power toward the elf, intending to ask her if she, too, had heard the thunder. A second, more menacing rumble set every muscle taut. At the same time, Vereesaleaptat him, the ranger somehow having managed to turn in the saddle and push herself in his direction.



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