Name PLDDesign1 ;
Partno 1 ;
Revision 1 ;
Date 3/12/02 ;
Designer HotPower ;
Company Protel International ;
Assembly I/O read/write ;
Location ;
Device g16v8 ;
Format j ;
/* This PLD design (Revision 1) created on 3/12/02 */
/* for Protel International */
/* and is stored as PLDDesign */
/** Inputs **/
Pin 2 = a0;
Pin 3 = a1;
Pin 4 = a2;
Pin 5 = a3;
Pin 6 = a4;
Pin 7 = a5;
Pin 8 = a6;
Pin 9 = a7;
Pin 12 = iord;
Pin 13 = iowr;
/** Outputs **/
Pin 19 = buffen;
/** Declarations and Intermediate Variables **/
field addr = [a7..0];
ioreq = !iord # !iowr;
/** Logic Equations **/
!buffen = ioreq & addr: [10..12];