/********************************************************************** * ?2005 Microchip Technology Inc. * * FileName: i2cEmem.c * Dependencies: Header (.h) files if applicable, see below * Processor: dsPIC33Fxxxx/PIC24Hxxxx * Compiler: MPLAB?C30 v3.00 or higher * Tested On: dsPIC33FJ256GP710 * * SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT: * Microchip Technology Incorporated ("Microchip") retains all ownership and * intellectual property rights in the code accompanying this message and in all * derivatives hereto. You may use this code, and any derivatives created by * any person or entity by or on your behalf, exclusively with Microchip's * proprietary products. Your acceptance and/or use of this code constitutes * agreement to the terms and conditions of this notice. * * CODE ACCOMPANYING THIS MESSAGE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO * WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS CODE, ITS INTERACTION WITH MICROCHIP'S * PRODUCTS, COMBINATION WITH ANY OTHER PRODUCTS, OR USE IN ANY APPLICATION. * * YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT, IN NO EVENT, SHALL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR BREACH OF STATUTORY DUTY), * STRICT LIABILITY, INDEMNITY, CONTRIBUTION, OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, * PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, FOR COST OR EXPENSE OF * ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE CODE, HOWSOEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWABLE BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY RELATED TO * THIS CODE, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PRICE YOU PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP SPECIFICALLY TO * HAVE THIS CODE DEVELOPED. * * You agree that you are solely responsible for testing the code and * determining its suitability. Microchip has no obligation to modify, test, * certify, or support the code. * * REVISION HISTORY: *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Author Date Comments on this revision *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Settu D. 07/09/06 First release of source file * **********************************************************************/ #if defined(__dsPIC33F__) #include "p33Fxxxx.h" #elif defined(__PIC24H__) #include "p24Hxxxx.h" #endif
#include "i2cEmem.h"
unsigned int jDone;
/*============================================================================= I2C Master Interrupt Service Routine =============================================================================*/ void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _MI2C1Interrupt(void) { jDone=1; IFS1bits.MI2C1IF = 0; //Clear the DMA0 Interrupt Flag;
/*============================================================================= I2C Slave Interrupt Service Routine =============================================================================*/ void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _SI2C1Interrupt(void) { IFS1bits.SI2C1IF = 0; //Clear the DMA0 Interrupt Flag }
/*============================================================================= I2C Peripheral Initialisation =============================================================================*/ void I2CEMEMinit(I2CEMEM_DRV *i2cMem) { i2cMem->cmd=0; i2cMem->oData=0;
// Configre SCA/SDA pin as open-drain ODCGbits.ODCG2=1; ODCGbits.ODCG3=1;
I2C1CONbits.A10M=0; I2C1CONbits.SCLREL=1; I2C1BRG=300;
I2C1ADD=0; I2C1MSK=0;
I2C1CONbits.I2CEN=1; IEC1bits.MI2C1IE = 1; IFS1bits.MI2C1IF = 0;
/*============================================================================= I2C Serial EEPROM, STATE-MACHINE BASED DRIVER =============================================================================*/ void I2CEMEMdrv(I2CEMEM_DRV *i2cMem) {
static int state="0", cntr="0", rtrycntr="0";
switch(state) { case 0: if( (i2cMem->cmd == I2C_WRITE) || (i2cMem->cmd == I2C_READ) ) state=1; break;
/*==================================*/ /* Control/Address Phase */ /*==================================*/ case 1: // Start Condition I2C1CONbits.SEN=1; state=state+1; break;
case 2: // Start Byte with device select id if(jDone==1) { jDone=0; state=state+1; I2C1TRN=(0x00A0)|(((i2cMem->oData->csel)&0x7)<<1); } break;
case 3: // Send address byte 1, if ack is received. Else Retry if(jDone==1) { jDone=0; if(I2C1STATbits.ACKSTAT==1) { // Ack Not received, Retry
if(rtrycntr < MAX_RETRY) state=18; else state=16; // Flag error and exit
} else {
#if ADDRWIDTH==TWO_BYTE I2C1TRN=((i2cMem->oData->addr)&0xFF00)>>8; state=state+1; #endif #if ADDRWIDTH==ONE_BYTE I2C1TRN=((i2cMem->oData->addr)); state=state+2; #endif
} } break; case 4: // Send address byte 2, if ack is received. Else Flag error and exit if(jDone==1) { jDone=0;
if(I2C1STATbits.ACKSTAT==1) { // Ack Not received, Flag error and exit state=16;
} else {
#if ADDRWIDTH==TWO_BYTE I2C1TRN=((i2cMem->oData->addr)&0x00FF); #endif state=state+1; } } break;
case 5: // Read or Write if(jDone==1) { jDone=0;
if(I2C1STATbits.ACKSTAT==1) { // Ack Not received, Flag error and exit state=16;
} else {
if(i2cMem->cmd == I2C_WRITE) state=state+1;
if(i2cMem->cmd == I2C_READ) state=8; }
} break;
/*==================================*/ /* Write Data Phase */ /*==================================*/
case 6: // Send data I2C1TRN=*(i2cMem->oData->buff + cntr); state=state+1; cntr=cntr+1; break;
case 7: // Look for end of data or no Ack if(jDone==1) { jDone=0; state=state-1;
if(I2C1STATbits.ACKSTAT==1) { // Ack Not received, Flag error and exit state=16; } else {
if(cntr== i2cMem->oData->n) state=14; // Close the Frame } } break;
/*==================================*/ /* Read Data Phase */ /*==================================*/ case 8: // Repeat Start I2C1CONbits.RSEN=1; state=state+1; break;
case 9: // Re-send control byte with W/R=R if(jDone==1) { jDone=0; state=state+1; I2C1TRN=(0x00A1)|(((i2cMem->oData->csel)&0x7)<<1); } break;
case 10: // Check, if control byte went ok if(jDone==1) { jDone=0; state=state+1;
if(I2C1STATbits.ACKSTAT==1) // Ack Not received, Flag error and exit state=16; } break;
case 11: // Receive Enable I2C1CONbits.RCEN=1; state++; break;
case 12: // Receive data if(jDone==1) { jDone=0; state=state+1;
*(i2cMem->oData->buff+cntr)=I2C1RCV; cntr++;
if(cntr== i2cMem->oData->n) { I2C1CONbits.ACKDT=1; // No ACK } else { I2C1CONbits.ACKDT=0; // ACK }
} break;
case 13: if(jDone==1) { jDone=0; if(cntr== i2cMem->oData->n) state=state+1; else state=state-2; } break; /*==================================*/ /* Stop Sequence */ /*==================================*/ case 14: I2C1CONbits.PEN=1; state++; break; case 15: if(jDone==1) { jDone=0; state=0; cntr=0; i2cMem->cmd=0; } break;
/*==================================*/ /* Set Error */ /*==================================*/ case 16: I2C1CONbits.PEN=1; state++; break; case 17: if(jDone==1) { jDone=0; state=0; rtrycntr=0; cntr=0; i2cMem->cmd=0xFFFF; } break;
/*==================================*/ /* Retry */ /*==================================*/ case 18: I2C1CONbits.PEN=1; state++; rtrycntr++; break;
case 19: if(jDone==1) { jDone=0; state=0; cntr=0; } break;