Power analysis for efficient power planning | |
作者: 时间:2009-02-09 来源:52RD手机研发 | |
Mouzam Khan, Altera Mouzam Khan is an applications engineer and member of technical services for FPGA developer Altera. As designs grow larger and process technologies continue to shrink, power becomes an increasingly important design consideration. When designing a printed circuit board (PCB), the power consumed by a device needs to be accurately estimated to develop an appropriate power budget and to design the power supplies and cooling system. The PowerPlay power analysis technology, part of Altera’s Quartus II software, assists such with power planning. Power planning Power analysis is directed towards two essential power planning requirements: thermal planning and power supply planning. For thermal planning, the designer must ensure that the cooling solution is sufficient to dissipate the heat generated by the device. In particular, the computed junction temperature must fall within normal device specifications. For power supply planning, the designer must ensure adequate current to support device operation on the board. The two requirements are closely related because most of the power supplied to the device is dissipated as heat from the device itself. However, in some situations, these requirements are not identical. For example, when the designer uses terminated I/O standards, some of the power drawn from the FPGA’s power supply is dissipated in termination resistors, rather than in the FPGA. The PowerPlay power analysis tools in Altera’s Quartus II design software give designers the ability to estimate power consumption from early design concept through design implementation. Factors affecting power consumption The factors affecting power in FPGAs are device selection, environmental conditions, resources used by design and signal activities. Understanding these factors allows designers to effectively use the PowerPlay power analysis tools. Device selection Environmental conditions Air flow Heat sink and thermal compound Ambient temperature Design resources Number, type and loading of I/O pins Signal Activities The toggle rate of a signal is the average number of times that signal will change its value per unit of time. The units for toggle rate are transitions per second, and a transition is a change from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1. The static probability of a signal is the fraction of time that the signal will be logic 1 during the period of device operation being analyzed. Power Analysis Tools Designers can estimate power at different stages of the design cycle. Depending on the design cycle stage and the accuracy of the estimation required, designers can either use the PowerPlay Early Power Estimator spreadsheet available from the Altera web site or the PowerPlay Power Analyzer tool in the Quartus II software. PowerPlay Early Power Estimator Figure 1. Early Power Estimator If the FPGA design has not yet begun or is not complete, an estimate of the power consumption for the design can be made using the Early Power Estimator spreadsheets (see Figure 1). Separate spreadsheets are available for each device family. PowerPlay Power Analyzer PowerPlay Power Analyzer Flow The PowerPlay Power Analyzer supports accurate and representative power estimation by letting designers specify the important factors affecting power. Figure 2 illustrates the high-level Power Analyzer flow. Figure 2. High-level Power Analyzer Flow Signal Activities Data Sources The Power Analyzer lets designers mix and match signal activity data sources on a signal-by-signal basis. Using simulation results is the most accurate way to generate signal activities. This, in turn, is used to accurately estimate the power consumed by the device during operation. The PowerPlay Power Analyzer reads the results generated by the Quartus II simulator and other third-party EDA simulators. This flow provides the highest accuracy, as all node activities reflect actual design behavior, provided that supplied-input vectors are representative of typical design operation. Operating Conditions Power Analysis Optimization The ‘Summary’ section provides an estimated total thermal power consumption of the design. This includes the dynamic power, static power, and routing power consumption. The ‘Settings’ section shows the design’s Powerplay Power Analyzer settings information. This includes default input toggle rates, operating conditions and other relevant setting information. The ‘Operating Conditions Used’ section provides device characteristics, voltages and cooling solution, if any, that were used during the power estimation. The ‘Thermal Power Dissipated by Block’ section shows estimated thermal dynamic power and thermal static power consumption categorized by atoms, providing designers with estimated power consumption for each atom in their design. The ‘Thermal Power Dissipation by Block Type’ section provides the estimated thermal dynamic power and thermal static power consumption categorized by block types. The ‘Thermal Power Dissipation by Hierarchy’ section shows an estimated thermal dynamic power and thermal static power consumption categorized by design hierarchy, then sub-categorized by the dynamic and static power used by the blocks and routing within that hierarchy. This is very useful in locating design modules that consume high power and using this information to optimize the design for low power consumption (Figure 4). The ‘Power Drawn from Voltage Supplies’ lists the power drawn from each voltage supply. The ‘Confidence Metric Details’ section provides information about the quality of the signal activity data sources. The ‘Signal Activities’ section lists toggle rate and static probabilities assumed by power analysis for all signals with fan-out and pins.Conclusion Advances in semiconductor technology have led to smaller transistor dimensions and devices with higher densities, higher performance, low voltage and low power dissipation. At the same time, designs have become larger and more complex, causing devices to consume more power. This makes it vitally important to accurately estimate power consumption for a design. The PowerPlay power analysis tools in Altera’s Quartus II design software enable designers to do just that: estimate power consumption from early concept through design implementation. |