Atmel ATA6617 LIN 系统级封装(SiP)解决方案 | |
作者: 时间:2009-06-01 来源: | |
Atmel公司的ATA6617是一款系统级封装(SIP)解决方案,在单个QFN 5mm × 7mm 封装中整合了ATA6624 LIN 系统基础芯片 (system basis chip, SBC) 与AVR微控制器 (ATtiny167),其中ATA6624 LIN SBC 包含LIN收发器、稳压器和看门狗。采用这种系统级封装解决方案,客户只需一块IC就能够创建完整的LIN节点。本文介绍了ATA6617主要特性,系统应用框图以及ATA6617–EK开发板主要特性和电路图。 ATA6617是一款系统级封装(SIP)解决方案,在单个QFN 5mm × 7mm 封装中整合了 ATA6624 LIN 系统基础芯片(system basis chip, SBC) 与AVR微控制器(ATtiny167),其中ATA6624 LIN SBC 包含 LIN 收发器、稳压器和看门狗。采用这种系统级封装解决方案,客户只需一块IC就能够创建完整的LIN节点。新器件基于爱特梅尔的第二代LIN IP,具有出色的EMC和ESD性能,专为低成本LIN从节点应用而优化,并包含一个功能强大的帶有集成硬件程序的LIN UART,可将LIN的代码量减少到约1 kB 闪存,并把中断发生減到最少。 ATA6617主要特性: 帶有LIN SBC LIN收发器,同类最佳电磁兼容(EMC)性能 LIN、Wake和Supply (VS) 引脚上ESD级别更高 线性低压降稳压器 Window看门狗 符合LIN 2.0和SAE J2602-2标准 帶有AVR微控制器 16 Kbyte闪存 硬件LIN UART 11路单端/ 8路差分10位 ADC 512-Byte 真正EEPROM 512-Byte内部SRAM 低功耗模式 多种定时器 主要优点 PCB 尺寸要求最小 产品易于使用 降低总体系统成本 由于LIN协议处理不占用资源,目标应用拥有最大 CPU 资源和闪存 应用: 汽车 工业 医疗 图1. ATA6617系统应用框图 ATA6617 – EK Development Board V1.1 The development board for the ATA6617 IC is designed to give designers a quick start with the ATA6617 IC and to enable prototyping and testing new LIN designs. The ATA6617 is a dual-chip System-in-Package (SIP) product, which is particularly suited for complete LIN bus slave and master node applications. It supports highly integrated solutions for in-vehicle LIN networks. The first chip is the LIN-system-basis-chip (LIN SBC) ATA6624, which has an integrated 5V voltage regulator, a window watchdog, and a fully integrated LIN transceiver, in compliance with the LIN specification 2.1. The second chip is an automotive microcontroller from Atmel’s series of AVR 8-bit microcontrollers with advanced RISC architecture (ATtiny167 with 16K flash). All pins of both integrated chips are bonded out to provide customers the same flexibility for their applications as they have when using discrete parts. ATA6617–EK 开发板特性: All Necessary Components to Put the ATA6617 in to Operation Are Included Placeholders for Some Optional Components for Extended Functions Included All Pins Easily Accessible Easily Adaptable Watchdog Times by Replacing a Single Resistor Possibility to Activate an External NPN-transistor to Boost the Output Current of the Voltage Regulator (Jumper JP3) Possibility to Select between Master or Slave Operation (Mounting D2 and R1) Possibility to Mount an External Quartz to Handle Time-critical Applications (Not Necessary for LIN Communication) Push Button Included to Create a Local Wake-up after Entering Sleep or Silent Mode Ground Coulter Clip for Connecting Probes when Measuring with the Oscilloscope 图2. ATA6617 – EK 开发板外形图 ATA6617 - EK Development Board 图3.ATA6617–EK 开发板电路图 |
标签: Atmel ATA6617 LIN 封装 SiP 解决方案 |