原创 Analog Express公司荣获 ISO 9001:2000认证

2009-9-20 20:48 1302 5 5 分类: EDA/ IP/ 设计与制造
作者:    时间:2008-10-18    来源: 
       Analog Express (AX), a global innovator of high-speed, high-power modern power solutions, announced that it successfully completed an audit by BSI Group and is now ISO 9001:2000 certified compliant. 
ISO 9001 is one of a series of three international standards dealing with quality systems.  It is a model for  quality  control  in  design,  development,  manufacturing,  testing,  installation  and  servicing.    Its standards  represent  an  international  consensus  on  good  management  practices  with  the  aim  of ensuring that an rganization delivers products that meet or exceed customers' quality requirements. 
It is the most comprehensive level of registration in the internationally recognized ISO 9000 family for quality system management.  
ISO9001: 2000 is an internationally-recognized reference for ensuring the highest possible quality in business-to-business dealings.  To achieve ISO9001:2000 certified compliance, AX implemented a company-wide  examination  of  policies  that  resulted  in  procedural  changes,  additional  training, increased  documentation,  and  a  focus  on  continual  improvements.    AX  has  been  shipping RoHS/Green compliant products and is committed to working proactively with industry peers and suppliers to implement technologies and procedures that reduce the use of hazardous substances.  
AX's ISO 9001 certificate number FM541198 is valid until September 18, 2011. The scope of the conformity assessment includes AX's semiconductor business, including the design, development and provision of Analog related Integrated Circuit devices. 
"This certification demonstrates AX's commitment to the highest quality standards,” said Cedric Tsang, Vice-President of Sales and Marketing. “ISO certified compliance supports our strategy to achieve excellence in all aspects of our business for complete customer satisfaction.”


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