The Runescape auto woodcutter is a runescape gold macro or bot used by probably the most despised players in Runescaperunescape money. An auto woodcutter is a program you can download that allows you to be away from your computer for long periods of time and still get a great deal of woodcutting done. The auto runescape goldwoodcutter cuts trees and then takes them to the bank and then goes back to those trees and proceeds to cut more wood and all this is happening on autopilot. This tool however is obviously against Runescape’s rules and has singled handedly buy runescape gold had thousands upon thousands of Runescape accounts banned.
Where Do You Download Free Runescape Auto Woodcutters
Without going into the specifics of where you can obtain yourself a Runescape Auto Woodcutter (because I’m not encourage you to use them) they can generally be found fairly easily if you do a bit of searching around. Searching on Google for ‘Runescape Auto Woodcutters‘ of ‘Free Auto Woodcutter Downloads’rs money would probably start you off in the right direction. Though with that said, be very aware of what you download from this malicious sites, many of them lull you into thinking that you are downloading a Runescape runescape goldwoodcutter but you are actually downloading a trojan that allows the controller to record your keystrokes and potentially find out your passwords and hack your Runescape account.
How Do Auto Woodcutters Work in Runescape
The Runescape auto woodcutter is runescape moneyusually made through a program such as ZIP, Scar. The way the macro works is you have two color scanners, once color scanner scans the exact color of the leaves of the tree, and the other with the trunk.runescape gold After you scan these two colors you click start and your mouse automatically starts moving, goes to turn your public chat to “friends” and starts chop, chop, chopping away at the trees. After you get a full load it then takes you to a bank, banks them, and runs back to the runescape gptrees just to start repeating the process for limited number of times.
Is the Downloading the Free Auto Woodcutter Macros Harmful
This macro is not harmful to your computer, rs goldbut it is potentially very harmful to your Runescape account, if Jagex finds out your using it and bans your, and it definitely makes woodcutting more difficult for the millions of other Runescapers players who make their Runescape living cutting trees. You should be aware that Jagex is constantly monitoring players game play for suspicious style of playing not to mention have a number of player mods scanning the worlds for autoers as well. In the long run I personally feel you are much better off to just cut them yourself.
Do Random Events in Runescape Affect the Runescape Auto Woodcutters
These days people have been making auto programs that can actually log off or solve the random when one appears, down from the small mysterious box all the way up to mazes! To talk I wouldn’t know but people are still trying to design it so your little macroers can talk to everyone and act realistic. Soon they will probably make it so they can even trade items from account to account.
Why Do Players Use Auto Woodcutters for Runescape
The most common way people use these auto woodcutters is to make brand new accounts with super hard names that way you can not report them because they’re name is too confusing. These people will check on this account from time to time to collect they’re gatherings. An example of hard names would be random gibberish starting at dwqp5292 all the way up to ughdurhr895i, pretty confusing eh? Some even argue that there is little to no point in reporting autoers anyway because these days there are thousands upon thousands still in use and runescape are free to make so there is a never ending number of new autoers entering the game, and they are being made by people that don’t really care if their accounts are banned because they are not playing Runescape for fun they are playing to make money via selling Runescape gold.