原创 天嵌科技 TQ2440 开发的 wince完全开发手册,开放完全源代码!配合256MB nandflash

2009-8-1 12:04 2485 6 7 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式
p>VAG COM 8124 HEX CAN USB , VAG COM 8124 , VAG COM 8121 , VAG COM 8051 , VAG COM 805

Compatible with the newest cars which require a direct CAN connection for diagnostics including all Golf-5 platform cars and latest Audi A3, A6 and A8,Q7,etc. Protocol timing indistinguishable from a real VAG/VAS tool. Works reliably even with "difficult" control modules such as the 1991-1994 1Z Audi TDIs and the 1993-1994 Audi 2.6L with Hella ECU. Built-In VAG-Saver functionality -- instantly alerts the user if either the K/K1 line or the L/K2 line is shorted to Ground or Vbatt. Full support for dual-K lines found in "new" (B6/8E chassis Audi A4 and 2002+ Audi A6,A8,etc. 1.USB connector plugs into most modern laptops! 2.Compatible with the latest cars which require a direct CAN connection for diagnostics including all Golf-5 platform cars and latest Audi A3, A6 and A8. 3.Protocol timing indistinguishable from a real VAG/VAS tool. Works reliably even with "difficult" control modules such as the 1991-1994 1Z Audi TDIs and the 1993-1994 Audi 2.6L with Hella ECU. 4.Built-In VAG-Saver functionality -- instantly alerts the user if either the K/K1 line or the L/K2 line is shorted to Ground or Vbatt. 5.Full support for dual-K lines found in "new" (B6/8E chassis Audi A4 and 2002+ Audi A6 -- no VAS-6017 required -- no manual switches! 6.Fully backwards compatible with older cars using a single K-line or K plus L. 7.Bi-Color (red/green) status/activity LED The product description: OBDII Can USB with the latest cars which require a direct CAN connection for diagnostics including all Golf-5 platform cars and latest Audi A3, A6 and A8,Q7. Protocol timing indistinguishable from a real VAG/VAS tool. The possibility that software is complete is on the xxxxx renewal, function all of, support the car type to 2007. Diagnostics Type including: All Golf-5 platform cars (A5 platform) including: 2003+ VW Touran (1T chassis) 2004+ VW Golf (1K chassis) 2004+ VW Caddy (2K chassis) 2004+ Audi A3 (8P chassis) 2004+ Seat Altea (5P chassis) 2004+ Skoda keywords:VAG COM 8124 HEX CAN USB , VAG COM 8124 , VAG COM 8121 , VAG COM 8051 , VAG COM 805,COM KKL VAG-COM 409.1




用户1476573 2009-10-12 12:51

继天嵌科技推出《Linux移植手册》和《Qt应用程序开发手册(上部)》后,又一部非常适合tq2440 sky2440开发板的教程出炉了- -《Windows CE应用开发完全手册》 在本手册中我们从Windows CE(以下简称WinCE)的开发平台搭建到WinCE的驱动程序开发(主要是以流驱动为主),再到基于驱动程序的应用程序的开发,由浅入深,非常适合熟悉wince,并开发wince相关应用层,实现了从硬件到软件的开发全过程。 请新老客户去我们的论坛下载! 提供下载页面链接!http://bbs.embedsky.net/viewthread.php?tid=554&extra= 欢迎访问我们的论坛和网站!
用户1476573 2016-06-27 15:48
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