其次,Lib的文件要分的细一点,没有调用关系的两个函数不要放到同一个C文件中,因为LIB51在链接的时候是按模块来链接的,一个模块就对应一个C文件,假如链接器因为要使用你一个函数fA而引入了A模块,那么A模块中的另外的函数也会被引入,而另外的函数你又没有使用的话,那么就会引发Keil经典的UNCALLED FUNC的warning。这个warning在Keil的文档中说的好清楚了,我粘过来吧:
It is common practice during the development process to write but not call
additional functions. While the compiler permits this without error, the
Linker/Locator does not treat this code casually because of the support for data
overlaying, and emits a warning message.
Interrupt functions are never called, they are invoked by the hardware. An
uncalled routine is treated as a potential interrupt routine by the linker. This
means that the function is assigned non-overlayable data space for its local
variables. This quickly exhausts all available data memory (depending upon the
memory model used).
If you unexpectedly run out of memory, be sure to check for linker warnings
relating to uncalled or unused routines. You can use the linker’s IXREF
directive to include a cross reference list in the linker map (.M51) file.