1.1 IEC 60950-1 or EN 60950-1:2006 +ALL:2009
1.2 SZ11080093A02.pdf 最大声强测试(safety)
Results measured by the method described in this standard shall not deliver more than 100dB for maximum SPL.
常用EN301489-1即可,-7是Specific conditions for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment of digital cellular radio telecommunications systems(GSM and DCS)
ETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1(2008-04) Clause 7.1(Emission)包含如下测试项:
EN61000-3-3:2008 电压波动 Voltage Fluctuations&Flicker
EN61000-3-2:2006/A2:2009 谐波电流Harmonic Current Emissions
《There is no need for Harmonics test to be performed on this product(rated power is less than 75W) in accordance with EN 61000-3-2:2006/A2:2009》
EN 55022 Radio disturbance characteristics
EN 55022包含:Radiated Emission
Conducted Emission,DC ports(n.a)
Conducted Emission,AC ports
Conducted Emission,Telecom Ports
ETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1(2008-04) Clause 7.2(Immunity)包含如下测试项:
EN61000-4-2 静电Electrostatic Discharge Immunity
EN61000-4-3 RS 辐射抗干扰 Radiated RF Electromagnetic Field Immunity
EN61000-4-4 电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰性试验 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity
EN61000-4-5 雷击 Surge Immunity,AC Ports,Telecom Ports
EN61000-4-6 抗传导干扰Immunity to Conducted Disturbances Induced by RF Fields
EN61000-4-11 断电测试 Voltage Dips and Short Interruptions Immunity
旧版是ETSI EN 301 489-7 V1.3.1(2005-11)
EN301489是RF产品的EMC标准,包含EMI和EMS两部分, EN61000和EN55022只是对应的测试标准而已.
1. EN301489是RF產品的EMC標準
2. EN61000是可靠度測試標準
3. EN55022(emission)及EN55024是CE的EMI+EMC標準
EN61000-4-2 静电
EN61000-4-3 RS 辐射抗干扰
EN61000-4-4 电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰性试验
EN61000-4-5 雷击
EN61000-4-6 抗传导干扰
EN61000-4-11 断电
EN50360:2001---Product standard for the measurement of Specific Absorption
Rate related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from GSM Mobile phones
EN 62209-1: 2006--- Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and
body-mounted wireless communication devices - Human models,instrumentation, and procedures - Part 1: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for hand-held devices used in close proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)
EN 62311:2008---- Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to
human exposure restrictions for electromagnetic fields (0 Hz –
300 GHz)
EN 62209-2: 2010----Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and
body-mounted wireless communication devices – Human models,instrumentation, and procedures –Part 2: Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the head and body for 30MHz to 6GHz Handheld and Body-Mounted Devices used in close proximity to the body
ETSI EN 301511 V9.0.2(2003-03)
Global System for Mobile communications(GSM)
Harmonized EN for mobile stations in the GSM 900 and GSM 1800 bands covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE direction(1999/5/EC)
ETSI TS 151010-1 V9.4.0
Digital cellular telecommunications system(Phase 2+);
Mobile station(MS) conformance specification; Part1:conformance specification(3GPP TS 51.010-1)
EN 55022 Radio disturbance characteristics
EN 55022包含:Radiated Emission
2 最重要的是找出是什么地方的问题,然后才可以解决嘛
一. RE测试场地布局如下
二. 辐射骚扰测试限值要求
频率 |
QP限值 (Class B) |
参考标准 |
30MHz – 230MHz 230MHz – 1000MHz |
40dBuV/m 47dBuV/m |
EN 55022 |
频率 |
QP限值 (Class B) |
AV限值(Class B) |
参考标准 |
1000MHz –3000M Hz 3000MHz –6000M Hz |
70dBuV/m 74dBuV/m |
50dBuV/m 54dBuV/m |
EN 55022 |
三. 辐射骚扰整改的一般步骤
1. 要了解产品的工作特点,尽量多地了解当前产品辐射骚扰超标具体情况;
2. 针对具体失败问题,了解产品电路设计原理,根据客户提供的信息判断何种类型的超标。找出骚扰源,工作所需的振荡信号;
3. 分析电路,使用近场探头进行探查以确定骚扰源和其的的骚扰途径;
4. 为了确保方法正确,采取必要的排查测试并做问题症结的进一步确认;
5. 综合分析结果,找到造成骚扰的根本原因,这时就可采取措施进行整改了。根据超标的严重性一般可采用源头整改或为了方便直接从骚扰途径处下手(可以以6dB为限);
6. 验证整改效果,效果不理想则返回继续分析查找原因更改整改方法,效果好则要求更便捷经济理想的方法;
7. 总结经验,记录整改方法;
四. 如何查找辐射杂散骚扰产生的原因
Conducted Emission,DC ports(n.a)
Conducted Emission,AC ports
Conducted Emission,Telecom Ports