最近,开始着手了解ECLIPSE 的嵌入式开发,从网上收集资料,进行开发环境的建立。
helios sp2
arm-cross plusin
zylin cdtZYLIN CDT
可是在项目自动选中自动MAKE 选项后,源文件中有汇编文件(*.S),可是自动生成的SRC 文件内没有包括该源文件,
再查看*.map 文件内,没有该文件的任何信息。
在自动生成的.mk 文件内
C_SRCS += \
../source/core_cm3.c \
../source/main_LPC17xx.c \
OBJS += \
./source/core_cm3.o \
./source/main_LPC17xx.o \
C_DEPS += \
./source/core_cm3.d \
./source/main_LPC17xx.d \
没有含有startup_lpc17xx.s 文件?
而且MAP 文件内也没该文件的链接信息?
查阅来 GCC assembler 的配置:
COMMAND: arm-none-eabi-gcc
-x assembler-with-cpp -Wall -Wa,-adhlns="$@.lst" -c -fmessage-length=0 -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -g3 -gdwarf-2
GCC 手册查阅到-x assembler-with-cpp 选项 ,作用就是
Specify the source language: C, C++, Objective-C, or assembly. This has noth-
ing to do with standards conformance or extensions; it merely selects which
base syntax to expect. If you give none of these options, cpp will deduce the
language from the extension of the source file: ‘.c’, ‘.cc’, ‘.m’, or ‘.S’. Some
other common extensions for C++ and assembly are also recognized. If cpp does
not recognize the extension, it will treat the file as C; this is the most generic
Note: Previous versions of cpp accepted a ‘-lang’ option which selected both
the language and the standards conformance level. This option has been re-
moved, because it conflicts with the ‘-l’ option.
如果改为手动编写的MAKE 文件,如何设置呢?
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用户377235 2012-4-28 14:46
用户218444 2009-6-25 17:56