"Cool…you have made it to Shattrath City. Luckily for you, you have chosen to be Aldor instead of Scryer. Why do I say that. Simple…at least on my server it is much cheaper to level up your rep with Aldor. First things first, you must do the Aldor quest. This will really help out your rep as a quest reward you can gain quite a bit of Aldor rep (+3,500) for the first quest. All you have to do for the quest is talk to Khadgar after completing the A'dal quest after getting the tour around Shattrath City. After doing that quest, if you find yourself with a lot of WoW gold then you can purchase Mark of Kil'Jaeden from the auction house and turn them in until you hit Honored with Aldor. If you do not have extra gold around (who does. ) then you can also grind for these Marks in Terokkar Forest at the Cabal camp which is due west of the caravan camp (around 37,50 coords) where you can receive quests south of Shattrath City. After you are Honored with Aldor you will want to gather Mark of Sargeras. Once again the AH can be a great place to buy these if you have the gold available. If you don't there is a great grinding spot for these in Netherstorm at the Arklon Ruins (around 39,73 coords) southeast of Area 52. You can turn in these all the way to Exalted. As well as getting the Marks to turn in for rep. You can also get Fel Armament to turn in at Shattrath City for Aldor rep also. The drop rate on these is pretty low compared to the Marks but of course they can give you more of a rep. reward. The best place to grind these is actually in The Arcatraz which is a level 70 instance.
I wouldn't really buy these from the AH since they tend to be pretty pricey. Don't worry they also have a low chance to drop when you are grinding for the Mark of Sargeras also so you don't HAVE to do the instance if you don't want to. " "Whenever I am leveling up a new character I really just want to make sure that I have enough gold to get all the skills that I need and typically don't worry about making WoW gold until I hit higher levels since I can make much more then. Anyway, there are a few ways you can make sure that you have more than enough gold before you hit level 20. One thing to keep in mind is ""more than enough gold"" at level 20 usually isn't really that much compared to higher levels. You won't make thousands of gold when you are under level 20 and thankfully it won't take that much for you to feel rich either! Rule #1: Pick-up every bit of vendor trash you can! Just turn around and sell this back to the vendor. It will give you a nice little boost whenever it comes to money especially when you are level 10 and under. On a side note, make sure you buy as many bags as you can quickly as you can so you can hold all that trash treasure! Rule #2: Cloth = Gold! Consider yourself rich whenever you start killing humanoids and collect the linen cloth that they tend to drop. Linen cloth always drops really well and can make you a good amount of gold when you sell it in the auction house. Just make sure you keep enough for yourself to level up your bandages! Rule #3: Get 2 gathering skills as quickly as possible. I usually prefer to get Skinning and Mining for this as Skinning really is the easiest gathering skill and Mining Copper can make you a lot of WoW gold rather quickly, especially since the release of Burning Crusade.
wow gold I still haven't seen the price of Copper go back down to the prices they were before the expansion. Other Mining nodes can make you some gold as well but Copper is really the huge moneymaker when you are a low level. Skinning sells really well in the auction house as well.
wow gold It is easier to come by than Mining nodes but you can easily gather a whole lot more quickly and makes a lot of gold as well. This rule is what really can set people apart from the poor and the rich at lower levels. Remember this rule! Rule #4: Buy/Sell on the Auction House.
world of warcraft gold I typically don't do this one too often since it will take a lot of time away from leveling to get going. You will have to watch the market for about a week or so to get accurate Auctioneer data and you can lose gold as quickly as you make it at the AH. I usually just focus on a specific item and watch the prices like a hawk and buy when it's low and sell when it's high.
wow gold Easier said than done, I know! It does take practice but practice makes perfect and this is the only viable way for a level 1 alt to make upwards of 2000g! It just takes patience and time. Rule #5: Don't spend gold on unnecessary stuff such as weapons/armor at the AH. I used to fall into this trap as well as my mouth would water looking at all the awesome gear I could deck out my character with. Ultimately, and after wasting tons of gold in the end, I came to realize that quest rewards were good enough to get me through leveling.
mp3 player You might sometimes be decked out in all greens but it is a lot cheaper than buying an ""awesome"" item and replacing it with a quest reward a level or two down the road. The exception to this rule, of course, is twinks but if you are creating twinks then you really are not worried about lack of World of Warcraft gold. Those are my top 5 rules for making gold for low level characters, specifically under level 20 even though these rules can be applied to all levels in the game they really can make or break your bank at the lower levels.
wow gold One other thing to note is when you are a lower level character your focus should be on leveling first as you can make tons of gold whenever you hit level 70! " .