When characterizing small samples, the substrate on which thesample is mounted can become a significant source of measure-ment error, as result of both its volume and surface resistivity.The obvious way to prevent any leakage current through a (pos-sibly contaminated) substrate surface is to use two insulator plates separated by a gap, rather than placing the sample on asingle plate. To simplify testing small samples of various sizes,the mounting hardware should include a micrometer screw toadjust the width of this gap.
图2: 使用液体镓(不会弄湿大多数材料)可以对同一晶体的不同方向进行测量。为了避免造成漏电流,样本要放置到两个蓝宝石片构成的间隙中。
Figure 2: Using liquid gallium, which doesn’t wet most materials, allows measuring conductivity in different directions on thesame crystal. To avoid creating leakage currents, the sample is placed on a gap formed by two sapphire plates.