原创 光伏电池电气性能的评测——光伏电池的电容测量

2011-6-27 09:26 2619 26 26 分类: 采购与分销



Like I‑V measurements, capacitance measurements can serve to characterize a solar cell. The capacitance can be measured as a function of the DC voltage, frequency, time, or AC voltage, depending on what parameters of a cell need to be determined. For example, measuring the capacitance of a PV cell as a function of voltage can help when studying the doping concentration of the cell or the built-in voltage of the junction. A capacitance-frequency sweep is useful to provide information on the finding of charge traps in the PV substrate’s depletion region. The capacitance of the cell is directly related to the area of the device, so that devices with large areas will present large capacitances to the measurement setup.



C‑V measurements require that the capacitance of the cell be measured as a function of an applied DC voltage. Like I-V measurements, the capacitance measurements are made using a four-wire technique to compensate for lead resistance. The four-wire connections should be maintained to the cell. The test setup should include shielded coaxial cables, with the shields connected as close as possible to the PV cell to minimize errors from the cables. Calibration techniques based on measuring open and short circuits will reduce the effects of cable capacitance on measurement accuracy. C‑V measurements can be made under either forward- or reverse-biased conditions. A typical plot of capacitance versus swept voltage under reverse-biased conditions (Fig. 6) shows how capacitance increases rapidly towards a breakdown voltage.










图6. PV电池电容与电压关系的典型曲线。

Fig 6. This is a typical plot of capacitance versus voltage for a PV cell.



Another capacitance-based measurement, drive level capacitance profiling (DLCP), can be used to determine the defect density of a PV cell as a function of depth on some thin-film solar cells such as CIGS. The measurement involves applying a swept peak-to-peak AC voltage and varying the DC voltage while making capacitance measurements. The two voltages must be adjusted in such a way that the total applied voltage (AC + DC) remains constant even as the AC voltage is swept. By doing this, the exposed charge density within the material will remain constant for a given location, making it possible to determine the defect density as a function of distance.[5]





[5] J.T. Heath, J.D.Cohen, and W.N. Shafarman, "Bulk and metastable defects in CuIn1-XGaXSe2 thin films using drive-level capacitance profiling," J.Appl. Phys. 95, 1000 (2004).



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