Warning[Pa082]: undefined behavior: the order of volatile accesses is undefined in this statement.
Warning[Pa082]: undefined behavior: the order of volatile accesses is
undefined in this statement
EW targets: All
EW component: C/C++
Keywords: C code, keywords, SFR, UART
Last update: January 14,
The warning [Pa082] is issued if 2
(or more) of the variables in a C-statment are volatile. The message text
"...order of volatile accesses is undefined..." is the central
information, i.e. the compiler (following the ANSII standard) can access
the variables in an order that is not defined.
Is this a problem , or
...well that depends on your application.
Volatile is (typically)
used for variables that are accessed from several threads in the application,
and for Special Function Register that are the connection in/out of the chip. So
you must study the volatile variables that are present in this C-statement and
from the usage of these volatile variables decide if you must make a change or
How to change
The change is to break up the C-statement, so that
each new C-statement holds only one access to a volatile variable.
In this
small example the variables internalChannelSelect and ADC are volatile. If so
the following C-source will issue the
intAnalogSample[internalChannelSelect] =
ADC[internalChannelSelect] ;
Then the following change will make the
C-source predictable.
i = internalChannelSelect;
k =
intAnalogSample = k;