How to Calculate Clamping Voltage at Different Current
Clamping Voltage (VC) is the highest voltage transient voltage suppressor (TVS) diodes can clamp under transient current condition. It is very important that the clamping voltage should not exceed the instantaneous voltage level acceptable for safe operating condition of the components protected by TVS diodes in the circuits.
TVS datasheets define clamping voltage at a specified maximum peak pulse current level. This application note describes how to calculate the clamping voltage at different peak pulse current.
To determine the clamping voltage (VC) of the TVS diode at an intermediate point between the breakdown voltage (VBR) and the maximum clamping voltage (VCMAX), a linear increase in VC between VBR and VCMAX is assumed, as shown in Figure1. Therefore, the relationship between VC and the test pulse current (IP) is calculated using the following formula.