Proteus 使用中遇到些在网上都很难找到的错误,记录下来,以方便后来者遇到同样的问题以便解决。
1. 单片机51在仿真时如用到ALE,/WR,/RD等有关simulate external program fetches的管脚时,在Simulate Program Fetches 中应该选择TRUE(原因不详,你知道的话请告诉我)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The 8051 model supports the following properties:
Property | Default | Description |
PROGRAM | - | Specifies one or more program files to be loaded into the model's internal code memory. The files can be either Intel hex files or OMF51 absolute object module format files. Use commas to separate multiple file names. See Specifying The Program File for more information.
CLOCK | 1.2MHz | Specifies the clock frequency of the processor. For reasons of efficiency, the clock circuitry is not simulated, and the clock rate of the processor is determined solely by this value. |
DBG_FETCH | FALSE | causes the model to simulate external program fetches. This mode of operation is extremely slow, but will allow you to test external program memory decode circuitry. |
DATARAM | - | Specifies regions of the memory map that correspond to external data RAM. This allows for much faster simulation of external memory accesses. See Modelling the Memory Map for more information. |
CODERAM | - | Specifies regions of the external memory map that are shared between code and data (i.e. von-neumann decoding). See Modelling the Memory Map for more information.
用户377235 2015-4-2 23:47