原创 生产环境下高亮度LED的高精度高性价比测试——多器件/阵列的LED测试系统

2011-7-20 09:42 1265 6 6 分类: 测试测量

In multiple device tests, such as those that involve burn-in, multiple parts are measured simultaneously over a specified period. A continuous current flow is usually mandatory to drive the DUTs, but multiple light detectors may be multiplexed to a current meter through a switching system. The appropriate choices for switching system and meter will be dictated by the dynamic range of the currents of interest.



Various switch options are applicable to testing multiple LEDs. For example, the Model 3706 System Switch/Multimeter has six switch module slots, so it can handle up to 576 multiplexed channels or 2688 matrix cross-points. Like Series 2600A instruments, it includes an on-board TSP and a TSP-Link? inter-unit communication/triggering bus, which allows integrating these instruments into a system quickly and easily. This integration allows tight synchronization of operations between the instruments and lets them operate from a single test script. Figure 3 illustrates a three-LED device test system with one photodiode (PD) channel.





Figure 3. Block diagram with scalable Model 2602A SourceMeter channels for an LED array test system.


3. 采用可扩展2602A数字源表通道构建LED阵列测试系统的模块图


Minimizing LED Testing Error

Common sources of measurement error in LED production testing include lead resistance, leakage current, electrostatic interference, and light interference, but junction self-heating is one of the most significant error sources. The two tests susceptible to junction heating are the forward voltage and leakage current tests. As the junction heats, the voltage will drop or, more importantly, the leakage current will increase during the constant voltage test. Therefore, it is important to shorten the test time as much as possible without sacrificing measurement accuracy or stability.



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