原创 [译完] Rapid System Prototyping with FPGAs - 4.3

2010-6-23 15:54 3865 3 3 分类: FPGA/CPLD

Defined FPGA Design Process

Most organizations have not developed an
official defined FPGA design process or procedure. Instead, each individual
designer implements the process that they deem appropriate based on their
experience and personal preferences. This lack of a common structured FPGA
design approach can contribute to FPGA design oversights, errors and
inefficiencies. It is crucial to establish a correct level of process to guide
and control the development and design process; too much or too little process
can both have a significant impact on project progress/efficiency. The correct
level of process is a difficult balance to develop and maintain, but it is
definitely worth the effort.

4.1 illustrates a high-level philosophical view of the FPGA design process.


Figure 4.1 Philosophical design flow


       A direct relationship can be established
between the level of FPGA design process used and the number and effect of
design errors on an FPGA design.
(The “FPGA design process” can be loosely
defined as the established design flow, requirements definition, design
architecture definition, documentation, design review process, and design
standards.) The need to follow a common defined FPGA design process is based on
the need to make and verify a large number of design decisions during the FPGA
design cycle. The FPGA design process is inherently complex with a higher
degree of design flexibility and larger number of design options than many
other potential design implementation approaches. Simply put, with more
decisions and available design options, there are more opportunities for
mistakes and oversights.

FPGA design process does not have to be overly formal or add significant
overhead to the design cycle. An effective design process focuses on reducing
the impact and frequency of design mistakes. The majority of FPGA design
decisions can be modified or adjusted during the design cycle with limited
design impact. However, there are design decisions and choices that can require
significant resources (time, money, budget, and personnel) to change or
re-address. These critical design decisions and processes need to be identified
and discussed.

well-developed FPGA process will reference guidelines and establish standards
and expectations for project documentation and design reviews. By developing
and following an established FPGA design process, it is possible to move toward
a standardized FPGA design cycle that is more science than art and far less
dependent on individual design team member experience and personal discipline.
FPGA design should not be an “ad-hoc” reactive process that relies on trial and
error and personal experience to solve design issues.

distinction must be made between architecture phase and the implementation
phase. Clearly, separating these two design phases reduces the effect of
implementing a less-than-optimum design architecture because the “designers
wanted to get a jump on the design implementation” and “so much work had
already been done using that particular approach.” A separation between the two
phases can be enforced by requiring the development of a presentation and
review of the proposed approach before significant design implementation
efforts are allowed to begin.

a requirements traceability matrix or a rudimentary testing-and-verification
plan early in the design cycle can help the design team to identify incomplete
or conflicting design requirements.

is obvious that generating and updating requirement documents require man-hour
of effort. It is certainly possible that any of these efforts may be taken
beyond the limit of what can reasonably be supported by a commercial
development effort. However, wholesale rejection of all these suggestions
because “there simply isn’t the time or budget to do anything other than get
the functionality implemented as quickly as humanly possible” is likely to
result in an equal or greater number of hours spent later in the design process
trying to recover from mistakes made in the rush to get to the finish line as
quickly as possible.

majority of FPGA design mistakes are caused by not following practices that
prevent common design failures and oversights to occur. Critical design process
steps, decisions and tasks can be identified by their significant impact on an
implemented FPGA design and the high cost of reversing or re-implementing.


4.3 明确的FPGA设计过程规范






制定得好的设计过程规范应该参考通用的设计准则,应该包含工程文档的书写标准和对设计评审的预期要求。通过开发并遵循明确的设计过程规范,使FPGA设计过程逐步标准化是有可能的;标准化的设计过程更像是科学而不是艺术,它更少地依赖于设计成员的个人经验和自觉性。FPGA设计不应该是一个“即兴的”反应式的过程(an ad-hoc reactive process),不应该依靠反复试验和个人经验来解决设计中的问题。







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