原创 PIC编译时出现的resource version (x.xx) does not match!问题

2013-12-11 09:06 1539 12 12 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式


When I try to build my application, which uses the latest version of TCPIP, and the latest version of MPLAB and C30, but some older application code which I'm trying to update to work with the latest versions, I'm getting loads of these warnings. What do they mean? How do I get rid of them?
Re:What does "Warning: resource version (3.31) does not match!" mean? Friday, February 10, 2012 4:12 AM (permalink)

I've found the problem. Somehow I'd got the installers for both C30 v3.31 (which is called mplabc30-v3_31-windows-installer.exe, downloaded from the Microchip website on 16-Jan) and for v3.23 (which is called MPLABC30ComboLite_v3_23.exe downloaded on 6-Feb). I must have originally installed v3.31, but in an attempt to overcome some problems I was having downloaded the other file and installed it, not realising it was an older version. I'm not quite sure why it installed an older version of the compiler but didn't install a compatible version of the resources (I still don't know what "resources" are...). 
Anyway, having reinstalled the v3.31 compiler, the warnings have gone away, and my application is at mleast trying to run. So now I just have to debug it!





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