In “h3jianan.h” Union define, see as below
-------------------------<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
typedef struct cbittag{
char zer: 1;
char one: 1;
char two: 1;
char thr: 1;
char fou: 1;
char fiv: 1;
char six: 1;
char sev: 1;
typedef union cuntag{
UCHAR value;
CBIT cb;
typedef union iuntag{
UINT value;
CUN icun[2];
e.g.1 CUN Appnote
CUN unionTest;
In the C Language code:
<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />
In the assemble view:
In “h3jianan.h” Union define, see as below
typedef struct cbittag{
char zer: 1;
char one: 1;
char two: 1;
char thr: 1;
char fou: 1;
char fiv: 1;
char six: 1;
char sev: 1;
typedef union cuntag{
UCHAR value;
CBIT cb;
typedef union iuntag{
UINT value;
CUN icun[2];
e.g.1 CUN Appnote
CUN unionTest;
In the C Language code:
In the assemble view:
e.g.2 IUN Appnote
In the C language code:
In the assemble view: