原创 Encounter_PhysicalDesign_Routing_后端设计_布线

2009-8-7 15:11 3394 5 5 分类: 工程师职场
一 关于trialRoute和placeDesign with congestion optimzation的区别

trialRoute -maxRouteLayer 3 -useM1 -highEffort
the former is -detour true,可以进行迂回布线,detour routing常用在布线拥
塞度高或者信号完整性情况下.所以,比Timing Driven布线的线要长。

二 关于布线的Routbility Report解读
Remain cntH cntV
-2: 10 0.00% 0 0.00%
-1: 102 0.00% 61 0.00%
0: 2216 0.10% 2753 0.13%
1: 5748 0.26% 29359 1.39%
2: 4490 0.20% 509780 24.09%
3: 6304 0.29% 440877 20.83%
Remain = The routing track supply minus the routing track demand.
Positive remain value means supply of tracks is more than the demand (this is desirable).
Negative value means supply is less than the demand (THIS IS TO BE LOOKED FOR). Zero means supply equals demand of routing tracks.

cntH = Horizontal Congestion. The number and percentage of gcells w.r.t. the horizontal track supply and the horizontal track demand.
cntV = Vertical Congestion. The number and percentage of gcells w.r.t. the vertical track supply and the vertical track demand.

Usage: (44.2%H 47.3%V) = (2.063e+05um 1.375e+05um) = (29003 10886)
OvInObst: 65 = 0/0 (0.00% H) + 65/306 (21.27% V)
Overflow: 192 = 1 (0.0% H) + 191 (0.07% V)
You may also query the overflow field which gives percentage of overflow gcells.
e.g. If Overflow: 192 = 1 (0.0% H) + 191 (0.07% V), it suggests that the design is routable. There is one horizontally overflowed gcell, and 191 vertically overflowed gcells.



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