power information can be obtained from the front end design. The
synthesis tool reports static power information. Dynamic power can be
calculated using Value Change Dump (VCD) or Switching Activity Interchange Format (SAIF)
file in conjunction with RTL description and test bench. Exhaustive
test coverage is required for efficient calculation of peak power. This
methodology is depicted in Figure (1).
the hierarchical design budgeting has to be carried out in front end.
Power is calculated from each block of the design. Astro works on
flattened netlist. Hence here top to bottom approach can be used.
JupiterXT can work on hierarchical designs. Hence bottom up approach
for power analysis can be used with JupiterXT. IR drops are not found
in floor planning stage. In placement stage rails are get connected
with power rings, straps, trunks. Now IR drops comes into picture and
improper design of power can lead to large IR drops and core may not get sufficient power.
Figure (1) Power Planning methodology
Below are the calculations for flattened design of the SAMM. Only static power reported by the Synthesis tool (Design Compiler) is used instead of dynamic power.
= total core power / [number of side*core voltage*maximum allowable current for a I/O pad]
= 236.2068mW/ [4 * 1.08 V * 24mA] (Considering design SAMM)
= 2.278
~ 2
Therefore for each side of the chip 2 power pads (2 VDD and 2 VSS) are added.
= total dynamic core power / core voltage
= 236.2068mW / 1.08V
= 218.71 mA
= total dynamic core current / number of sides * Jmax where Jmax is the maximum current density of metal layer used
= 218.71 mA / [4 * 49.5 mA/μm]
= 1.104596 μm
Hence pad to trunk width is kept as 2μm.
Iblock= Pblock / Vddcore
Itop=Ibottom= { Iblock *[Wblock / (Wblock +Hblock)] }/2
Ileft=Iright= { Iblock *[Hblock / (Wblock +Hblock)] }/2
Wstrap_vertical =Itop / Jmetal
Wstrap_horizontal =Ileft / Jmetal
Wstrap_vertical >= [ Itop * Roe * Hblock ] / 0.1 * VDD
Wstrap_horizontal >= [ Ileft * Roe * Wblock ] / 0.1 * VDD
Wrefresh_vertical =3 * routing pitch +minimum width of metal (M4)
Wrefresh_horizontal =3 * routing pitch +minimum width of metal (M3)
Nrefresh_vertical = max (Wstrap_vertical ) / Wrefresh_vertical
Nrefresh_horizontal = max (Wstrap_horizontal ) / Wrefresh_horizontal
Srefresh_vertical = Wblock / Nrefresh_vertical
Srefresh_horizontal = Hblock / Nrefresh_horizontal