原创 EU helps dealing with HIV/AIDS issue in Indonesias

2009-8-8 10:41 1471 2 2 分类: 消费电子
European Union (EU), through its funded health mission Medecins du Monde, has been providing significant assistance for Indonesia in preventing the spread of Acquired Immune Disease Syndrome (AIDS) in Papua, according to a coordinator of the health mission here on Wednesday.
During its 11 years of presence since 1998 in Papua, the EU's health mission has been providing health education, medical support and carrying out efforts to prevent the spread of AIDS among locals living in the remote areas of the mountainous province.
wow gold "The rapid spread of AIDS among the tribes in Papua was due to the lack knowledge on the deadly disease and is worsened by their unhealthy sexual behavior, "Amelie Courcaud, the program coordinator of the health mission told a seminar on HIV/AIDS held here by the EU.
wow gold Due to that the Medecins du Monde officials were mainly tasked to provide health and sexual education to the tribesmen with an expectation that they wow goldwould change their dangerous sexual behavior, she said.
To make their efforts more effective, Medecins du Monde set up cooperation with central and regional health authorities, hospitals, municipal wow goldand regency health centers, student clubs and religious leaders.
The mission also recruited local trainers who were tasked to train the Papuan tribesmen on how to use condoms and explain the efficacy of condoms in preventing from getting infected by AIDS disease.
According to Amelie, the prevalence of AIDS in the province at present has reached 3 to 3.5 percent from 2,056,500 population in the province. Papua has been recognized to have the largest number of AIDS patients in Indonesia.
wow gold Source: Xinhua


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