原创 Restless Ghost, The

2009-11-18 13:34 1677 3 3 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式


Description: A ghost is haunting Lumbridge graveyard. The priest of the Lumbridge church of Saradomin wants you to find out how to get rid of it.

Difficulty: Novice

Length: Short

Quest Requirements:

Skill/Other Requirements:

Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:
Nature Spirit, The
Creature of Fenkenstrain
Ghosts Ahoy
Icthlarin's Little Helper
Making History
Recipe for Disaster
Animal Magnetism
Smoking Kills
Spirit of Summer

Items Needed to Complete Quest: None.

Quest Points: 1

Reward: 1125 Prayer exp.

Start Point: Lumbridge.

To Start: Speak to Aereck in Lumbridge.


Your runescape accounts Qu Wang Church, Speak to Father Aereck in the church of Lumbridge and ask him for a quest. He will tell you about a ghost haunting his graveyard and advise you to go talk to Father Urhney for information on how to get rid of it.

Go south out of the graveyard, and head west through the swamps. Father Urhney is in a small house near the coast. Use the map if you are having troubles finding him. Talk to Father Urhney about the problem and he will give you a Ghostspeak amulet to talk to the ghost.

Go back to the graveyard. Put the Ghostspseak amulet around your neck, and talk with the ghost by opening the coffin. The ghost will be surprised that you can actually understand him and will tell you that a wizard stole the skull from his coffin. He will also inform you that the wizard came from the Wizard's Tower southwest of Lumbridge.

Head over to the Wizard's Tower and go into the basement by climbing down the ladder. Go to the northeastern room in the basement to find an alter. Search it to find the skull. The Skeleton in the corner will come to life and attack you but you can just leave without killing it.

Go back to the graveyard, and tell the ghost that you found his skull. He will ask you to put the skull in the coffin so that he may rest in peace. Use the skull with the coffin and the ghost will be set free.

Quest Completed!
you have completed the restless ghost quest!
you are awarded
1 quest point
runescape power leveling to 1125 prayer xp
100 runescape gold.



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